about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/1106750/announcements/detail/2904223191323546763]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Ryan Red - Direct link
Project Gearhead is at 100% power!

We will be pushing patch 0.10.0 containing Gadget along with some bug fixes and balance at 6 pm EST today.


Gadget is now available to all Season 0 Pass holders!

Gadget is our first artillery mage in Fault and is designed for long range bombardment and harassment. Both of her main damage abilities (Q and RMB) have extended ranges versus typical mage abilities, and her passive is designed to allow her to more frequently bombard her enemies with spells if she is accurate with her abilities. Her E ability is her only form of self-aid and is crucial to her safety, as she is quite vulnerable due to having some of the lowest base health and base movement speed of all mages. Being accurate with her abilities and having good map awareness and positioning will be key for success on Gadget.

Gadget Atlantis Warrior (Season Pass 0 Exclusive)

Gadget Shellshock

Gadget Ugly Sweater

Gadget Guerrilla


Gadget Toon

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue causing short descriptions for abilities to not show the proper damage amount.
  • Fixed an issue causing the server to crash when wards were placed in quick succession.

Jungle ‍
Blue Buff
  • Fixed an issue causing Blue Buff to not do damage if the target was above it.
Red Buff
  • Fixed an issue causing Red Buff to die instantly when spawning.


Scrying Stone
  • Fixed an issue causing Scrying Stone to activate multiple times for one ability.

Heroes ‍

Countess Feast (R):
  • Fixed an issue causing Feast to cancel when used on Warlock’s Aegis.

Dekker Ion Bomb (Q):
  • Fixed an issue causing Ion Bomb to explode twice.

Gideon Void Breach (RMB):
  • Fixed an issue causing Void Breach to deal double damage when colliding with Steels Force Shield.
Cosmic Rift (Q)
  • Fixed an issue causing Cosmic Rift to not deal damage when overlapping with Steels Force Shield.

Grux Seismic Pull (Q):
  • Fixed an issue causing Grux to move while channeling Seismic Pull.


Currently, movement speed slows stack on top of each other. To stop any issues from arising with the release of Gadget and to limit how impactful stacking slows can be, we went ahead and added a minimum movement speed of 200 to all players. In the future we want to change slows to not stack up as they are currently, but this should help them from being as oppressive as they have been in the past.
Added Minimum Movement Speed of 200 units for all Heroes.


Boots of Haste
Giving Boots of Haste a slight buff to keep it inline with its counterparts. Mana should also help supports lacking mana itemization options compared to normal mage items.

  • Added 200 Mana

Matter Limiter
  • Additional Abilities landed now refresh the duration of the Slow instead of applying a new Slow.

Stone of Sustenance
  • Remove Mana and Health.
  • Decreased Health Regeneration from 1.6 to 0.5.
  • Decreased Mana Regeneration from 2 to 1.25.
  • Gold Cost Reduced from 500 to 350.

Titan’s Bow
  • Quest Maximum Stacks Reduced from 15 to 10.

Titan’s Spellbook
  • Quest Maximum Stacks Reduced from 15 to 10.

  • Added Maximum Stack Amount of 10.


Lt Belica
  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 67 to 59%.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 72 to 64%.
Feast (R)
  • Base Damage Increased from 160/240/320 to 180/300/420.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 65 to 55%
Ion Bot (E):
  • Energy power scaling reduced from 70 to 50%.

  • Base Health Decreased from 550 to 520.
  • Health per Level Decreased from 92 to 88.
  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 67 to 58%.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 73 to 69%.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 72 to 67%.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 77 to 72%.
Assassin’s Dagger (RMB):
  • Physical Power scaling increased from 70 to 90%.
Shadow Strike (E):
  • Physical Power scaling increased from 70 to 80%.
Assassin’s Execution (R):
  • Base Damage reduced from 150/225/300 to 150/200/250.
  • Physical Power scaling increased from 60% to 80%.
Assassin’s Tactics (P):
  • Predation bonus ability damage reduced from 10/15/20/25/30 to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%.
  • Evisceration bonus damage reduced from 5/10/15/20/25 to 5/7.5/10/12.5/15.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 72 to 64%.
Light of the Heavens (RMB)
  • Shielding Decreased from 60/95/130/165/200 to 60/80/100/120/140.

  • Base Damage Decreased from 67 to 64.
Buckshot (Q)
  • Physical Armour Shred Decreased from 15/20/25/30/35 to 12/16/20/24/28%.
  • Physical Power Scaling Increased from 80% to 120%.
Shield Push (RMB)
  • Cooldown Increased from 10/9.25/8.5/7.75/7 to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds.
  • Mana Cost Decreased from 60 to 30 at all levels.
Judgement of the Law (P)
  • Movement Speed Decreased from 16/22/28/34/40% to 15/20/25/30/35%.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 70 to 52%.
Serenity (Q):
  • Energy power scaling reduced from 80 to 70%.
Consecrated Ground (E):
  • Energy power scaling (damage) reduced from 80 to 60%.
Divine Touch (P):
  • Bonus damage per stack reduced from 10/18/26/34/42 to 8/14/20/26/32.

Narbash Song of My People (E)
  • Healing per Half-Second Decreased from 6/13/20/27/34 to 5/11/17/23/29.

Sparrow Piercing Shot (RMB)
  • Base Damage Increased from 75/115/155/195/235 to 85/125/165/205/245.
  • Physical Power Scaling Increased from 100% to 150%.
  • Channel Movement Penalty Decreased from 40% to 25%.
Mark of Precision(E)
  • Stacks on Empowered Attacks Increased from 1/1/2/2/3 to 1/2/3/4/5.

  • Attack speed scaling reduced from 67 to 64%.

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