Original Post — Direct link

Hello! Some months ago I experienced the BSOD glitch with easy anti cheat and got really scared to boot up the game again until it was fixed. I was scrolling through the forums here and the last news I've found are from a month ago, and I couldn't find a definitive answer if the issue was resolved or not, so I'm still reluctant to start the game. Can someone confirm to me if the problem was fixed and the bsod issue is gone? Do I have to do anything? Update easy anti cheat? Drivers? Or safe and ready to go now?

Thanks in advance!

about 2 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@gddot Hey there! Thank you for reaching out. I am very sorry to hear that you have encountered the BSOD error. Currently this is still being investigated. However, In the meantime please try to reinstall EAC manually. You can find the steps here for this!

Additionally, please give this troubleshooting guide a try to test if it helps resolve this for you. If it does not help, this is still being investigated at this time. I do apologize for any frustrations caused, however I appreciate your continued patience as this is being investigated!