Original Post — Direct link

Just launched the game after a long pause. First game I get into, it crashes when loading screen is done. I start the game again and I get the nice surprise of seeing that 13mn matchmaking penalty.
Nice way of welcoming me back to your game. Not sure how that can be fixed, but it sure is not very clever. It is actually my first crash since the game's release. All my previous crashes came from connectivity issue, that means YOUR end and not mine since absolutely every other online game works fine for me.

Anyway, do crashes just before getting into the map often happen to players?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link

Thank you for reporting this to us, we're sorry to hear that's been occurring.

The penalty system is in place as it negatively effects other players if you fail to join or leave a game. The system is automatic, and regardless of the reason you will receive a penalty.

If you are seeing regular crashes, then you should speak with the Support team through one of the channels below:

They should be able to look into the issue further for you.