Original Post — Direct link

Really i!m feeling very bad. I have got around 3.000+ Hours gameplay, and now " TOTALLY between" 0 -10 rep players can parry all lights attack %100 , or dodging all bashes and option select never working.

I've watching many video for cheat script and now almost all cheaters using remote desktop from pc to the PS4 cheat.

I can't share youtube video link but you may find in youtube for script 3 rd party script for all cheats. Dev team must be find solution for this.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link


I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that your in-game experience in For Honor is being impacted by other Players !

This thread has been moved to the Player Support section, in order to bring it the best possible visibility.

As @Mayan_Master previously wrote (thanks for sharing the link by the way !), you can contact us directly if you'd like to report Players for their behaviour or actions, and you can even include a video if you made one.

Should you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to reach out to us !

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