over 3 years ago - /u/UbiInsulin - Direct link

Hello all! If you are encountering the black screen on launch issue, we are still in need of more information. Please feel free to reach out to me (UbiInsulin) via chat or PM for information-gathering purposes. To be clear, I'm not qualified to provide tech support, I am just assisting the production team in getting some more data points. :)

You can also go to https://support.ubi.com to create a ticket to help us track the black screen problem. If you already have a ticket open, please don't create a new one, but do consider attaching a dxdiag file to help our team investigate!

Also, please update your graphics drivers as a potential fix! It's not guaranteed, but it has worked for some folks.

On to the patch notes...


PS4: 23.25mb, Xbox One: 23.25mb, PC: 23.25mb




· Increased Kill Assist to 10 points (from 8)

Developer's Comment: The Renown gain when defeating an opponent was too skewed towards who dealt the last hit, and as such we’ve increased the Assist reward to compensate this.

· Increased Boosting Zone Renown to 0.5/s (from 0.4)

· Decreased Contesting Zone Renown to 0.6/s (from 0.7)

Developer's Comment*: The large gap between Boosting and Contesting zones made contesting more attractive than boosting, leading to situations where players preferred letting a zone be contested so they could gain renown at a faster pace. This effect should be minimized with this change.*

· Decreased Boosted Zone Points to 1.5/s (from 1.8)

· Increased Captured Minion Lane Points to 1.5/s (from 0.9)

Developer's Comment: The first week of testing indicated that matches were longer than anticipated on average – one cause of this was the lowered point gain from the Minion Lane.

In the first week of testing, players focused on Side Points much more than the Minion Lane, and as such were spending very little time clearing minions; this lead to lowered point gain as teams control the Minion Lane for shorter periods of time. We want players to still consider the Minion Lane as a good place to gain points and to spread apart, so this change is aimed at making sure that the Minion Lane is still an attractive place to focus efforts towards.




· [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Back Dodging by pressing Back and Dodge to not correctly dodge in certain situations (FH-2555)

Known Issue: Please note that diagonal back dodge will no longer work for the time being as a result of this fix.


· [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki to incorrectly have Guard Break invulnerability during the first 100ms of Headbutt attacks (FH-2493)


· [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused a matchmaking degradation, the matchmaking will now be back to normal behavior


· [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warmonger “Obliteration” Execution to be missing voice over (FH-2539)

· [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Kyoshin “Relentless Windstorn” Execution animation to complete for the opponent even when Kyoshin is interrupted (FH-2592)

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