Original Post — Direct link

Toda vez que abro o jogo, o game abre tudo certinho, depois de alguns minutos fecha a aba e diz que houve um crash, erro 05020000 dados corrompidos. Já reinstalei 3x e nada funciona, alguém com esse erro?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @Sucodifrut4!

We can only help in English on this Discussion as we try to avoid automatic translation tools that can cause potential misunderstandings.

We have some other language options located at the bottom right of the page. Simply click on "English" and a drop-down menu will appear. This takes you to the other language forums support is available on. You can also start a support case with us, and a member of your regional team will be able to assist you further. 

I’d also be happy to help you here if you can translate your post for me and if you’re okay with receiving responses in English. My apologies for any frustration and inconvenience this causes!

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