

29 Mar

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


This has been posted to English forums, if you don’t mind receiving responses in English here, would you please translate your post for me? This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools where possible to prevent potential misunderstandings. We feel it’s better for our players to speak to Support Agents and other players who also speak their preferred language. I’ve also left a lin...

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Hello @Pedrin3M,

You've posted this on the English forums, could I please have you translate your post if you don’t mind receiving responses in English here? This is just as we try to avoid automatic translation tools that can cause potential misunderstandings. I've also posted the...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Pedrin3M,

You've posted this on the English forums, could I please have you translate your post if you don’t mind receiving responses in English here? This is just as we try to avoid automatic translation tools that can cause potential misunderstandings. I've also posted the...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @xsheyzo_,

An authentication error typically just means you're trying to launch the game from a different account, which looks to be what's happening here. If you open a chat during the times they're open, the teams will be happy to help look into recovering your account with you.

27 Mar

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Asterix201252, are you able to provide us with an affected save file to pass along for the investigation? (if this is still an issue for you)

09 Mar

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @juju7495,

This has been posted to the English forums, could you translate it for me if you’re okay with receiving responses in English here? This is just because we believe automatic translation tools can cause misunderstandings and so we try to avoid them where we can as per our forum rules...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @Moailz-Y.

This has been posted to the English forums, would you mind translating it for me if you’re okay with receiving responses in English here? This is just because automatic translation tools can lead to misunderstandings and so we try to avoid them where we can.

We do have some other language forums that you can locate at the bottom right of the page. Just click on "English" to see a drop-down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available on, just in case you prefer any of those, but not your native language on the forums I'm afraid.

You can also ...

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02 Mar

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @HolyN1ght1337,

This has been posted to the English forums, if you don’t mind receiving responses in English, could you please translate your post for me? This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools where possible in an effort to avoid misunderstandings.
We do have some other language forums that can be located at the bottom right of the page. If you click on "English" you’ll see a drop-down menu, and this will take you to the other language forums where support is available. You can also ...

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Hello @boys96,

I've gone ahead and edited out your email to protect your personal information. Unfortunately, this is not something we can assist with on forums and any further communication would need to be via the case you created. My apologies for any inconvenience this causes you.

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ROGSOB,

This has been posted to the English forums, would you mind translating your post if you’re okay with responses in English? This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools in an effort to avoid potential misunderstandings. I've also included a link to our forum rules ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @maurice1002!

You have posted this on the English forums, would you mind translating your post if you don’t mind receiving responses in English here? This is just as we try to avoid automatic translation tools as they can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and I've included a link to the ...

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15 Feb

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @RockinToni!

This has been posted to the English forums, could I please have you translate your post if you don’t mind receiving responses in English? This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools as they can lead to potential misunderstandings.

We do also have some other language forums that can be located at the bottom right of the page. If you click on "English", you’ll see a drop-down menu and this will take you to the other language forums where support is available. You also have the option of ...

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01 Feb

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @juergen-trum!

I’m terribly sorry but we're only able to help in English on this Discussions. This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools to help avoid potential misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it’s better for our players to speak to Support Agents and other players who also speak their preferred language.

We do have some other language forums that can be located at the bottom right of the page. Just click on "English" to see a drop-down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available o...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @EyesshadowS!

My apologies but we're only able to help in English on this Discussions board. This is because we try to avoid automatic translation tools where possible in order to avoid potential misunderstandings. We feel it is better for our players to speak to Support Agents and other players who speak their preferred language.

As this is something we'd need to handle over private channels, I'd recommend you create a ...

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22 Jan

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Bert_Boomgaard and @PrinnerX,

My apologies that this has turned out to be so frustrating for you both and caused you to lose items. It is something that's been reported to the teams and they are looking into it. Could you create a ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Nice work @Asterix201252, thanks for grabbing me that video clip! I went ahead and made sure it was added to the report for the teams.

@Godzilla027, if you've already completed ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @lisail,

It does seem that Lady Hunt was indeed on the hunt. I'm sorry she's destroyed Angareb and negatively impacted your game and experience. 

Also, thank you for chiming in ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @JaaaaaaaamesL!

I'd be happy to look into this with you!

Could you let me know which inputs the errors are happening with?

If you could create a support case and attach your system files with that Pinyin keyboard atta...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Gotcha @hundreAd1800, thanks for updating.

Could I have you create a support case with us and attach your ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone!

It does sound like these pirates have become a bit *boring* after the update. 

I do appreciate you getting this reported @Andi18002022 along with the specifics of what they're doing or rather, not doing. And thank you to both ...

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