Original Post — Direct link

Hi, so today I logged into For Honor, tried to start a match of Breach to complete my orders, but after approximately 20 seconds a notifications popped up, saying that I couldn't join into the match and I recieved a 15 minute penalty. I thought nothing of it, waited the 15 minutes and started looking for a match of Breach again. But it happened again, notification popped up and I recieved 15 minute penalty.
Do you have any idea what can cause this? I reckon my internet connection is perfectly fine, because everything else works as fine as usual.

Thank you for your response in advance, have a great day. Gormit90

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Gormit90, and sorry to see you're having a weird issue with random temporary bans.

These bans could be caused by random disconnects from matches that you get connected to but never load into. I would recommend running through our connectivity guide for PC, to ensure your PC has a fully stable connection with our game services.

After that, if you continue having these temp bans pop up randomly, take a screenshot of the notification for me and post it in this thread.