over 7 years ago - Rocket - Direct link
Will the game support 32-bit Operating Systems?
No. While we could support 32-bit operating systems, it means that we would have to run a separate executable. 32-bit OS also cannot utilize as much memory as a 64-bit OS. This is why the game now only runs on a 64-bit OS. This allows us to have a dramatically increased scale (more objects). Only a very small fraction of the gaming community continue to run 32-bit operating systems, so we think this will have minimal effect.

I don't like the art style, is it going to change?
No. The art style has been chosen for entirely development reasons. This is a game about systems, so an art style was chosen that allows rapid development while still offering fidelity needed for the games systems. We are able to add new things to the game within a day because it is a reasonably simple art style. We actually really like the art style as well!

How realistic is the science in the game?
We use real science where possible, but we have not hesitated to deviate for balance or development reasons. In many instances it is actually far easier for us to use real science equations than try to balance things ourselves. Good examples are atmospherics, thermodynamics, and obviously physics. However most of the chemical reactions in the game are either rough approximations or missing key components. We have to make important concessions, it's supposed to be a problem solving game about systems and the intention is not to make a simulator.

Will the game be released on other platforms?
Currently we are only scheduled for release on Steam, for the PC. We are investigating console release(s). We would consider Linux and Mac ports, should the game sell enough units. If the game sold over 300k units, we would consider a Linux port, over 500k and we would consider a Mac port.

Why is it hard for the game to be released on Linux?
We have built the game in Linux and it does run. However, it runs without DirectX and some of our graphics features only run on DirectX (such as volumetric lighting). There is no solution for that so there would be some visual degradation on Linux where there was no equivalent solution that we have on DirectX.

Most importantly though adding another version of the game involves making our already complicated build process even more complicated. One of the reasons we have been able to add so much content to the game is that we rapidly develop, deploy the build, and work with the community to get that implementation working. This has allowed us to adapt and change the game far more rapidly that we could doing it internally. The longer it takes to author a build, the less agile we become. Already adding dedicated server support, for two platforms (windows and linux) is a major development headache for us. Keeping dedicated server windows, dedicated server linux, and windows client, all running is a lot of effort and adding another platform makes it even more problematic.

Recently (October 2018) we upgraded our engine version and that involved an entire week of deep development and many all nighters. Much of that was dealing with the edge cases from so many platforms.

However, it's not all bad news! We do have plans to try and provide a Linux platform of the game. We have tested it, it mostly works. Once the game has become more stable and our build pipeline is not so problematic if it is longer - building and deploying the game on Linux will be explored. We can't 100% confirm it will work and that it will happen - but at the very least I can 100% we are going to try it and, baring no major issues, this would mean officially supporting linux. There is currently not ETA though.

Will the game have modding support?
We currently support steam workshop for distributing world saves. We have plans to support modding of additional content, such as items and structures, during the Early Access process. Supporting modding does add additional complexity and can involve unique bugs, so we are not planning to launch into Early Access with more modding support than we already have. However, our benchmark for modding support is Cities: Skylines, and Kerbal Space Program. So our planned modding support is extensive. Our modding support will be provided through Steamworks, for simplicity.

How many players does the game support?
Performance is still being bench-marked. Testing has mainly occurred with maximum 25 players. How many players supported depends a great deal on the complexity of the world the players are in. The game will support at least 8 players in complex worlds. Part of our early access plan is to work out the optimum player numbers that can be supported, and optimize the game further. Certainly, our playtesting has indicated supporting 8-10 active players in a complex world on a good PC with a good internet connection is absolutely possible now.

Will the game support Virtual Reality (VR) systems such as Occulus/Vive?
We have no plans for official VR support. We may enable VR so that we can test how the game runs with the community. This can be very complicated for performance reasons, so we do not anticipate being able to official support it.

Can I play the game in Single-player?
Yes. The game currently still runs as a host even in single-player. But there is no requirement for you to play the game in MP. One of our key design pillars is "the game should be fun to play alone", so there should be no barriers to playing alone. The game will be easier played with others, however.

Will the game have Digital Rights Management (DRM)?
We have no plans to add additional DRM from the basic needed for steam. The game will check you own the game when you login. It will exit if you are not logged into steam and own the game, as the game requires steamworks systems to run (achievements, steam workshop, matchmaking, etc...).

How much will the game cost?
The current price is expected to be USD 25. Different prices apply for different regions, altered for cost of living.

Why is the game releasing in Early Access?
Early Access allows us to grow the scope based not on a guess, but on the real interest from the community. We have scoped the game according to a niche, very modest, community size. We expect sales of about 20-50k, which is very modest and means a pretty simple game. Early Access will allow us to grow the scope before the game is finished, if there is a bigger market - which there might be - without making a risky decision in advance.

Not many games attempt the system and scale complexity that Stationeers plans, because it is hard to gauge the potential community size. This is why Early Access offers a great chance to grow the scope of your game based on interest.

Why is the Early Access period so long? (at least a year)
The game is very complex. We are focused almost entirely on systems and very little content early on. This game needs both systems, and content. If we spent six months working with the community refining the systems, then we need to spend at least as long adding a lot of content. So long as we keep the updates regular (each week, say), then it making the process exciting for both the development team, and the players.

The longer the game is in Early Access, the greater the ability for us to modify the scope of the game.

Does the game offer Dedicated Server files?
You can either host the game (run the server and play at the same time), or you can run a dedicated server. Currently, the dedicated server must run on a windows install. We plan to release Linux dedicated server files as soon as we can after release. We now have windows and linux dedicated server files that can be run without owning the game.
almost 6 years ago - HopFrog - Direct link
What's currently being worked on? Check the official Trello board![trello.com] You may also suggest new features here![forager.nolt.io]

How much gameplay is in the game? 25 hours (maybe 50 if you are a completionist). We are also adding even more content for free to the game!

What languages are supported? English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Thai and Turkish.

What platforms is Forager coming out on? Forager is out on PC (Steam, GOG, Humble Store and Discord Store), Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox.

What PC OS are supported? Windows only! There are no plans to support Mac and/or Linux at the moment.

Will the game have DLC or updates after release? Yes! Thanks to the generous support of our Patreon supporters and the Steam community! There will be FREE post-release updates. And I will keep updating the game for as long as you guys want me to!

Is there controller support? There is FULL controller support!

Do I get the full game if I become a patron? Yes! Every single person that donates at least $20 or more to the game's development will receive a Steam key!

I am a YouTuber and/or streamer. Can I record gameplay footage of Forager? Yes! Tag me on Twitter and I will probably retweet you!
almost 3 years ago - Dejan - Direct link
Here are the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord related FAQ (frequently asked questions). We will update the topic with new information as needed.

What can I do if I experience bugs/crashes/performance issues or can’t launch the game?
  • If you are facing crashes or can’t launch the game, please have a look at the Common Issues and Workarounds and the Crash Checklist for guidelines on how to potentially resolve the issue by using one of the methods described there.
  • If you are experiencing performance issues, you can help us by using the telemetry branch which can be accessed via the Steam beta system. 
    • Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > Select “perf_test” or “perf_test_beta” (depending on whether you are experiencing issues with the latest live or beta patch.) Please follow the rest of the instructions here.
  • If you are unable to resolve the issue or would like to report a bug, please head over to the support section and open a new discussion thread. Make sure to read the guidelines on reporting issues before creating the thread.
  • The game features a crash dump system that allows us to analyse and understand the cause of game crashes. If you encounter a crash, we would appreciate it if you were to make use of the crash dump uploader that appears after a crash to share the dump file with us to help us resolve the issue.

Why are some patches so big to download?
  • The game uses a streaming technology/system that allows for better performance. This packages resources in a specific way which causes even minor adjustments to lead to changes to larger packages. This package in its entirety is then redownloaded by Steam. That's why a patch can end up being larger despite having only minor art-related changes.
  • If you would prefer to download patches/hotfixes less often, you can stick with an older version for a longer period of time via the Steam beta system.
    • Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > Select the version you want.

Where can I find more information on game updates?
  • Take a look at our Future Plans[www.taleworlds.com] post to learn more about what we are working on and what you can expect to see in future patches.
  • We will also continue to share development updates on our YouTube channel, through patch notes and blog posts.

I have feedback about a specific feature or would like to share a suggestion. Where can I post it?
  • Join us on our forum where you can discuss the game with fellow players, provide feedback or make suggestions. The Citadel[forums.taleworlds.com] is a good place to read up on the latest forum discussions, delve into The Keep[forums.taleworlds.com] to provide feedback on singleplayer features, The Fields of Valour[forums.taleworlds.com] for multiplayer features and the Suggestions[forums.taleworlds.com] board for brand new ideas!

What is your patch process?
  • In principle, we want to share patches with players as soon as we can! However, every patch has to go through a review and testing cycle for the purpose of quality assurance. As a consequence, some patches will arrive faster than others.
  • We continuously try to identify potential critical issues and push out hotfixes between regular patches that remedy those issues so that you can continue to play the game on the latest patches.

Is my current save game compatible across different versions of the game?
  • Most native (non-modded) save games are forward compatible and we will seek to continue achieving this.
  • Please note that we've updated the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord save file system which requires you to take certain steps in order for your save files to be compatible with e1.7.1 and any later updates. If your save file is from an older version, you should first load and save it in the e1.7.0 version of the game before using it in a newer update. You can find the original announcement here[www.taleworlds.com]. Note that switching versions is available via Steam only.

Are there any plans to add a co-op campaign?
  • We spent a lot of time looking into this, but it is unfortunately not possible at this point to retrofit it into the project in a way that would achieve satisfactory quality. We may explore similar ideas in future products.

Which languages are supported in-game?
  • The game is available in the following languages (interface & subtitles): English, German, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Turkish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese - Brazil, Russian and Spanish - Latin America.
  • We’re currently not exploring any additional languages beyond the ones already listed above.

Will you add Steam Workshop support?
  • Yes! We will continue to support modding through the various ways listed below, one of which is making mods easily accessible via the Steam Workshop.

How do you intend to support modding?
  • We have released an array of in-depth modding tools that are currently accessible via Steam only (we are looking to expand the modding tools support to other platforms in the future). They include the following:
    • Scene Editor Toolset
      • Entity Placement Tools
      • Terrain Import, Export, and Editing Tools
      • Navigation Mesh Tools
      • GI Baking Tools
      • Level System Editing Tool
      • Path Editing Tools
    • Resource Editors
      • Resource Browser
      • Material Editor
      • Mesh Editor
      • Texture Editor
      • Body Editor
      • Cloth Editor
      • Atmosphere Editor
      • Skeleton Editor
      • Particle Editor
      • Model & Animation Viewer
  • You can access them by going to your Steam Library where you should enable the “TOOLS” filter. Then search for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Modding Kit and proceed to download the tools after accepting the Mod Tools License Agreement. Please note that you will need to have the game installed for the tools to work. Likewise, your game version and tool version need to match in order for the tools to operate.
  • You can learn more about modding on our forums[forums.taleworlds.com], the Mount & Blade Modding Discord[discord.gg] and our documentation[docs.modding.bannerlord.com].
  • Modding is not limited to just these tools! You can create your own logic using our submodule system which is explained here[docs.modding.bannerlord.com].
  • We are working with the community to continuously improve the modding capabilities. You can learn more about this here[forums.taleworlds.com].

Why are patches breaking mods? Can I do anything to continue playing with the mods I like?
  • Modders can deeply interact with and influence the game - which is great but also means that the work they do can be dependent on many different parts of the base game in ways that we don’t control or know about. There is little that we can do to outright prevent such issues while the game is in active development.
  • You can use the Steam beta system to opt into a prior version of the game that works with the mods you like.
    • Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > Select the version you want.
over 2 years ago - Dejan - Direct link
Here are the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord related FAQ (frequently asked questions). We will update the topic with new information as needed.

PC What can I do if I experience bugs/crashes/performance issues or can’t launch the game?
  • If you are facing crashes or can’t launch the game, please have a look at the Common Issues and Workarounds and the Crash Checklist for guidelines on how to potentially resolve the issue by using one of the methods described there.
  • If you are experiencing performance issues, you can help us by using the telemetry branch which can be accessed via the Steam beta system. 
    • Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > Select “perf_test” or “perf_test_beta” (depending on whether you are experiencing issues with the latest live or beta patch.) Please follow the rest of the instructions here.
  • If you are unable to resolve the issue or would like to report a bug, please head over to the support section and open a new discussion thread. Make sure to read the guidelines on reporting issues before creating the thread.
  • The game features a crash dump system that allows us to analyse and understand the cause of game crashes. If you encounter a crash, we would appreciate it if you were to make use of the crash dump uploader that appears after a crash to share the dump file with us to help us resolve the issue.

Where can I find more information on game updates?
  • Take a look at our Future Plans[www.taleworlds.com] post to learn more about what we are working on and what you can expect to see in future patches.
  • We will also continue to share development updates on our YouTube channel, through patch notes and blog posts.

I have feedback about a specific feature or would like to share a suggestion. Where can I post it?
  • Join us on our forum where you can discuss the game with fellow players, provide feedback or make suggestions. The Citadel[forums.taleworlds.com] is a good place to read up on the latest forum discussions, delve into The Keep[forums.taleworlds.com] to provide feedback on singleplayer features, The Fields of Valour[forums.taleworlds.com] for multiplayer features and the Suggestions[forums.taleworlds.com] board for brand new ideas!

What is your patch process?
  • In principle, we want to share patches with players as soon as we can! However, every patch has to go through a review and testing cycle for the purpose of quality assurance. As a consequence, some patches will arrive faster than others.
  • We continuously try to identify potential critical issues and push out hotfixes between regular patches that remedy those issues so that you can continue to play the game on the latest patches.

Is my current save game compatible across different versions of the game?
  • Most native (non-modded) save games are forward compatible and we will seek to continue achieving this.

Are there any plans to add a co-op campaign?
  • We spent a lot of time looking into this, but it is unfortunately not possible at this point to retrofit it into the project in a way that would achieve satisfactory quality. We may explore similar ideas in future products.

Which languages are supported in-game?
  • The game is available in the following languages (interface & subtitles): English, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Turkish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese - Brazil, Russian, Spanish - Latin America and German.
  • We’re currently not exploring any additional languages beyond the ones already listed above.

Does the game support Steam Workshop?
  • Yes! We have released Steam Workshop support on 14.10.2022 - allowing community members to share their creations with others in an accessible way.

How do you intend to support modding?
  • We have released an array of in-depth modding tools that are currently accessible via Steam only (we are looking to expand the modding tools support to other platforms in the future). They include the following:
    • Scene Editor Toolset
      • Entity Placement Tools
      • Terrain Import, Export, and Editing Tools
      • Navigation Mesh Tools
      • GI Baking Tools
      • Level System Editing Tool
      • Path Editing Tools
    • Resource Editors
      • Resource Browser
      • Material Editor
      • Mesh Editor
      • Texture Editor
      • Body Editor
      • Cloth Editor
      • Atmosphere Editor
      • Skeleton Editor
      • Particle Editor
      • Model & Animation Viewer
  • You can access them by going to your Steam Library where you should enable the “TOOLS” filter. Then search for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Modding Kit and proceed to download the tools after accepting the Mod Tools License Agreement. Please note that you will need to have the game installed for the tools to work. Likewise, your game version and tool version need to match in order for the tools to operate.
  • Modding is not limited to just these tools! You can create your own logic using our submodule system which is explained here[docs.modding.bannerlord.com].
  • The custom server and multiplayer modding systems also allow you to create new game modes, adjust parameters and host private or public events.
  • We are working with the community to continuously improve the modding capabilities. You can learn more about this here[forums.taleworlds.com].
  • You can learn more about modding on our forums[forums.taleworlds.com], the Mount & Blade Modding Discord[discord.gg] and our documentation[moddocs.bannerlord.com].

Why are patches breaking mods? Can I do anything to continue playing with the mods I like?
  • Modders can deeply interact with and influence the game - which is great but also means that the work they do can be dependent on many different parts of the base game in ways that we don’t control or know about. There is little that we can do to outright prevent such issues while the game is in active development.
  • You can use the Steam beta system to opt into a prior version of the game that works with the mods you like.
    • Steam Library > Right-click Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > Properties… > Betas > Select the version you want.
  • The “Compatible Version” tag in the Steam Workshop item allows you to filter and pick mods that are marked for the game version you choose.
  • Modders can also determine version compatibility through the mod files which will warn you when launching mods that aren’t compatible with your game version.

Will MacOS be supported?
  • Unfortunately, we can’t give you a clear answer on this yet. We may explore it in the future.

Console Which console platforms will the game be available on?
  • The game will be available for PS4, PS5, XBOX One and XBOX S/X. 
  • It will have cross-generation support.

What are the differences between the last and current generations of consoles? Are there any limitations for the older generation?
  • While last and current generations enjoy the same set of features and game content, there are performance boundaries when it comes to battle size and the frame rate. Having said that, we are always continuing to improve the performance of the product and are also exploring additional options for players to choose from when dealing with large encounters.

What are the performance settings on consoles?
  • On PS4, the frame rate target is 30 FPS and the dynamic resolution target is 1080p. Max troop count is 250 for sieges and 350 for field battles.
  • On Xbox One, the frame rate target is 30 FPS and dynamic resolution target is 864p. Max troop count is 250 for sieges and 350 for field battles.
  • On PS4 Pro, the frame rate target is 30 FPS and dynamic resolution target is 1440p. Max troop count is 250 for sieges and 350 for field battles.
  • On Xbox One X, the frame rate target is 30 FPS and dynamic resolution target is 1728p. Max troop count is 250 for sieges and 350 for field battles.
  • On PS5, when the fidelity mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 30 FPS on 60Hz displays and 40 FPS on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 1000 and the resolution is native 4K.
  • On PS5, when the performance mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 60 FPS on 60Hz displays and up to “up to 120 FPS” on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 500 and the dynamic resolution target is 1728p.
  • On Xbox Series S, when the fidelity mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 30 FPS on 60Hz displays and 40 FPS on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 1000 and the resolution is native 1080p.
  • On Xbox Series S, when the performance mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 60 FPS on 60Hz displays and “up to 120 FPS” on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 500 and the dynamic resolution target is 1080p.
  • On Xbox Series X, when the fidelity mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 30 FPS on 60Hz displays and 40 FPS on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 1000 and the resolution is native 4K.
  • On Xbox Series X, when the performance mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 60 FPS on 60Hz displays and up to “up to 120 FPS” on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 500 and the dynamic resolution target is 1728p.

Are there any differences between the PC and current gen versions? 
  • The essential parts of the game are the same across different platforms. However, the console version does not support modding and custom servers.

Will it be possible to use mods in consoles?
  • It is currently not possible to use mods in the console version. Even if we were to explore this in the future, there are requirements that make it quite difficult to achieve the same level of modding support as on the PC version.

Will there be crossplay between consoles? 
  • We do not currently have crossplay between different consoles. However, players can play Multiplayer across generations. They will also be able to transfer their unmodded savegames from windows store to xbox and vice versa.

Will there be crossplay between PC and consoles?
  • The game does not currently support this. It may be explored in the future.

Do we need PS+ and Xbox Live subscription to play online Multiplayer on consoles?
  • Players are required to have an Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus subscription to access online multiplayer on the console platform.

Are there any DualSense features that are implemented?
  • We have trigger effects for melee attacks/blocks and trigger feedback for bows. We intend to add more features like haptic effects in post release patches. DualSense support will also come to PC as well.

Will there be mouse and keyboard support on the consoles?
  • We currently do not support this but may explore it in the future.

General / Mixed Will the PC and console versions receive new content/patches at the same pace? 
  • We will strive to achieve a common update schedule.

What will the full release patch bring to the game?
  • It will introduce additional content, improve performance and further polish the game. We discuss this in some more detail in our Release Plans.

When / will there be achievements?
  • Achievements will come to all platforms on or shortly after release.

Will there be a collector’s edition?
  • Unfortunately, we do not currently have plans to offer one. Maybe in the future.

Is there a bonus to pre-ordering?
  • There is a 10% discount on game pre-orders.
over 2 years ago - Dejan - Direct link
Corrected a typo:
  • On Xbox Series X, when the fidelity mode is enabled, the frame rate target is 30 FPS on 60Hz displays and 40 FPS on 120Hz displays. Max troop count is 1000 and the resolution is native 1080p 4K.