almost 3 years
ago -
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this issue is connected to this one:
rontom said: So should we wait for a fix? are the ranking and points likely to be restored or should we just start again? and write off months of effortHave a look at the Daily Changelog. Please create a ticket, when the issue is fixed. If we would restore the points now, they will be gone after the next fight. So we will have to wait for the fix.
Blackfir5 said: That means, everybody who don't create a ticket to the support will not get the points restored?Please only create the ticket once the issue is solved. As I explained, you will just lose them again.
ok, to get sure, I create a ticket right now...
Arya66 said: Still not working??The issue will be fixed with the next update.
edit - well, I was able to do a battle, but I am missing points