about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens,
On Wednesday, November 3rd, our Guild Battlegrounds Update will be activated. You will see all the new things with the Battleground starting on the 4th!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Elephants are too dangerous!" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.

Thank you very much and have fun!

Best regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens

We are happy to announce some significant updates to Guild Battlegrounds are now coming to Beta! With this update, it will include a completely new map, new reward buildings, and a new display of Guild Battlegrounds Leagues within the Guild Overview! In addition, we have also included some quality of life improvements, which were implemented based on collected suggestions from our communities. We cannot wait for you to jump in and play!

The update for Guild Battlegrounds will be available on Beta starting November 3rd.

New Map - The Waterfall Archipelago

Spawn points Details
  • hexagon
  • 5-8 guilds
  • 61 provinces in total
  • 3-6 province neighbors.

With hexagons, we were able to fit in two more neighbors (rather than 4 previously), ensuring more strategy will be needed in terms of facing off against opposing guilds!

From November 3rd, the maps will be alternating (meaning once you have played one map, that the next will follow). In addition, to being alternating, the map will also be the same for the entire world. Therefore, everyone on Beta will experience the new map at the same time!

Province Names

We have also tweaked the naming system for the map, so it is now easier to coordinate attacks and know which specific province you would like to take an action against.

Prior to this update, each province was identified by a letter and a number. The letter indicates the direction and sector (i.e D is Southwest sector), and the number of the ring the province is in (i.e 1 is ring 1). With this update, we have implemented the following:

To allow you to be more accurate in finding the province, we have added a letter, to indicate the position of the province within the sector and ring.

New Reward Building - The Great Elephant

That is not all! If you manage to complete a successful campaign within the Guild Battlegrounds map, you could earn yourself 'The Great Elephant.' The Great Elephant is a 4x3 building, upgradeable up to 8 levels. As you upgrade it, you will receive different bonuses including: a coin production bonus, forge points, as well as goods to the Guild treasury and an increase in Guild Power! Lastly, and most importantly, there is also an attacking bonus for your attacking armies!

On its eighth and final level, you will met with a choice. A choice which reflects the variety of roles the elephant has held throughout the ages. Will you choose to employ your Great Elephant in battle, trade, or support? With these three brancheable choices; the decision is very much in your hands!

Elephant's Royalty The Elephant's Bazaar The Elephant's Citadel
Unimaginable wealth awaits you with this choice! Receive an improved coin production bonus and increased Forge Points. You are a trader by nature and also a team player! Receive increased Goods in your Guilds treasury! Forget the others, it is about the attacking boost! It is time to ride into battle with the increase attacking bonus for your attacking armies. You will not be stopped!

Chain Building Addition - Iridescent Garden

Yet, that is not all you can win from a successful campaign! Indeed, diamonds and platinum league Guild participants can also win fragments of the Iridescent garden. With enough fragments, you can construct one of three possible appearances for the building, and bolster the stats of your Great Elephant!

Chain Building Addition - Iridescent Garden (2x3)

Once connected:
  • Happiness Bonus
  • Defensive boost for the attacker
  • 3 Goods
  • 1 Forge Point

Important tips - As this is a chain building, it will need to be connected to the Great Elephant to receive certain bonuses.

New Display of Guild Battleground Leagues In the Guild Overview

To help track your progress in the Guild Battlegrounds — as well as seen your Guild's past successes — we have updated the Guild menu to include a new ranking display! This can be found in the following:

This includes details of how many times your Guild has a won in a Battleground, as well as the amount of Guild league points held.

If you hover over with the mouse, you can see your Guild's participation (which shows how many Battlegrounds your Guild has completed in their respective league).​

Important info - information within Guild profile menu will only display once your Guild has completed the minimum number of action points (40 total). Action points are granted for completing battles (1 point), and for successful negotiations (2 points).

Quality of Life Improvements

In addition, to updates we have already mentioned, we have also included a couple (often requested) quality of life improvements, which we gathered from across our communities.

Firstly, we have updated the HUD to include more details about the individual sectors. You can toggle this information on and off by using the following:

Once toggled 'on', you will now have a display which shows the province name (e.g A5B), as well as the number of total available build spots.

When toggled 'on', this view will also display the Guild Shields, as well as which provinces are 'Targeted', and which are 'Ignored.'

Important Tip - While this view displays Guild Shields, province coordinates, as well as 'Targeted' and 'Ignored' provinces, there are also important relevant information in the other view. Therefore, it is worth toggling 'on' and 'off.'

That is not the only quality of life improvement we have included, in this update, we have improved Battleground logs to include further information:

When a province is conquered by your Guild, your Guild will receive additional information regarding which player did the last action to conquer. The Guild that the province was taken from will also be displayed (unless it was not held by a Guild, and then, only the name of the province and conquering player will be shown).

As a further update to Battlegrounds Logs, we have also implemented an 'Intruded' log, which will show players that have taken an action against an 'Ignored' province. Therefore, letting your Guild know who is disobeying instructions!

Important Info - In terms of the 'Intruded' log, it will only display to own Guild members, and only on an individual Guild member's first attack of the day on an 'Intruded' province.

Further attacks during the course of the day will not trigger logs. However, another attack on the next day (on the same province), will trigger a further 'Intruded', log,

We hope you very much enjoy our update for Guild Battlegrounds in 2021! What features do you appreciate the most? Please let us know by providing feedback here!

If you haven't already, please also check out our preview video for the feature!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
BritishBoy said: Nice! BUT! no exact numbers for next 23 hours :)
I will post the nice tables, as soon as they are available to me. Since the Update will be activated today already, I might have them today. :)  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
BritishBoy said: "From November 3rd, the maps will be alternating (meaning once you have played one map, that the next will follow)" - does it mean that 1 season we gonna have new map than following season will be old one and than again new one? Or if not than how we can get SoH anymore?
Yes, from now on you will get the new map, then the old, then the new again,...
The SoH is only available on the old map :)  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
BritishBoy said: I wonder why in announcement it says about Nov 3rd while in game time counter clearly states new season starts 4th 8 am British time :)
Because we activate it today. One change you already can see after activation is the feature in the Guild Profile :)  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Sorry for the delay, here are the current stats:
Spoiler: The Elephant's Bazaar
Age Provides Produces
rank-57652d887.png att_boost_attacker-6070a3719.png money-ecd40aa19.png clan_power-401bb7ea8.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png
Bronze Age 60 +8% 1,100 130 3 90
Iron Age 96 +8% 2,500 163 3 90
Early Middle Ages 240 +8% 4,100 196 3 90
High Middle Ages 480 +8% 5,700 229 3 90
Late Middle Ages 720 +8% 7,600 262 3 90
Colonial Age 1,200 +8% 11,500 295 3 90
Industrial Age 2,400 +8% 14,300 328 3 90
Progressive Era 3,600 +8% 17,400 361 3 90
Modern Era 6,000 +8% 21,600 394 3 90
Postmodern Era 9,600 +8% 27,200 427 3 90
Contemporary Era 14,400 +8% 35,400 460 3 90
Tomorrow Era 24,000 +8% 41,000 493 3 90
The Future 38,400 +8% 47,000 526 3 90
Arctic Future 57,600 +8% 53,400 559 3 90
Oceanic Future 72,000 +8% 60,200 592 3 90
Virtual Future 96,000 +8% 67,500 625 3 90
Space Age Mars 156,000 +8% 112,700 658 3 90
Space Age Asteroid Belt 216,000 +8% 124,800 691 3 90
Space Age Venus 252,000 +8% 137,600 724 3 90
Spoiler: The Elephant's Citadel
Age Provides Produces
rank-57652d887.png att_boost_attacker-6070a3719.png money-ecd40aa19.png clan_power-401bb7ea8.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png
Bronze Age 60 +12% 1,000 130 3 65
Iron Age 96 +12% 2,200 163 3 65
Early Middle Ages 240 +12% 3,700 196 3 65
High Middle Ages 480 +12% 5,200 229 3 65
Late Middle Ages 720 +12% 6,900 262 3 65
Colonial Age 1,200 +12% 10,500 295 3 65
Industrial Age 2,400 +12% 13,100 328 3 65
Progressive Era 3,600 +12% 15,900 361 3 65
Modern Era 6,000 +12% 19,700 394 3 65
Postmodern Era 9,600 +12% 24,800 427 3 65
Contemporary Era 14,400 +12% 32,300 460 3 65
Tomorrow Era 24,000 +12% 37,400 493 3 65
The Future 38,400 +12% 42,900 526 3 65
Arctic Future 57,600 +12% 48,700 559 3 65
Oceanic Future 72,000 +12% 54,900 592 3 65
Virtual Future 96,000 +12% 61,500 625 3 65
Space Age Mars 156,000 +12% 102,700 658 3 65
Space Age Asteroid Belt 216,000 +12% 113,800 691 3 65
Space Age Venus 252,000 +12% 125,400 724 3 65
Spoiler: The Elephant's Royalty
Age Provides Produces
rank-57652d887.png att_boost_attacker-6070a3719.png money-ecd40aa19.png clan_power-401bb7ea8.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png
Bronze Age 60 +10% 1,100 130 6 70
Iron Age 96 +10% 2,800 163 6 70
Early Middle Ages 240 +10% 4,700 196 6 70
High Middle Ages 480 +10% 6,600 229 6 70
Late Middle Ages 720 +10% 8,700 262 6 70
Colonial Age 1,200 +10% 13,200 295 6 70
Industrial Age 2,400 +10% 16,400 328 6 70
Progressive Era 3,600 +10% 19,900 361 6 70
Modern Era 6,000 +10% 24,800 394 6 70
Postmodern Era 9,600 +10% 31,200 427 6 70
Contemporary Era 14,400 +10% 40,600 460 6 70
Tomorrow Era 24,000 +10% 47,000 493 6 70
The Future 38,400 +10% 53,900 526 6 70
Arctic Future 57,600 +10% 61,300 559 6 70
Oceanic Future 72,000 +10% 69,100 592 6 70
Virtual Future 96,000 +10% 77,400 625 6 70
Space Age Mars 156,000 +10% 129,200 658 6 70
Space Age Asteroid Belt 216,000 +10% 143,200 691 6 70
Space Age Venus 252,000 +10% 157,800 724 6 70
Spoiler: Iridescent Garden
Age Provides Connection Grants
happiness-57be1ee93.png rank-57652d887.png def_boost_attacker-dc9c5b559.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png random_good_of_age-590f80efc.png
Bronze Age 210 30 +5% 1 3
Iron Age 300 48 +5% 1 3
Early Middle Ages 360 120 +5% 1 3
High Middle Ages 450 240 +5% 1 3
Late Middle Ages 510 360 +5% 1 3
Colonial Age 600 600 +5% 1 3
Industrial Age 680 1,200 +5% 1 3
Progressive Era 750 1,800 +5% 1 3
Modern Era 850 3,000 +5% 1 3
Postmodern Era 960 4,800 +5% 1 3
Contemporary Era 1,120 7,200 +5% 1 3
Tomorrow Era 1,390 12,000 +5% 1 3
The Future 1,670 19,200 +5% 1 3
Arctic Future 1,890 28,800 +5% 1 3
Oceanic Future 2,130 36,000 +5% 1 3
Virtual Future 2,680 48,000 +5% 1 3
Space Age Mars 4,180 78,000 +5% 1 3
Space Age Asteroid Belt 4,540 108,000 +5% 1 3
Space Age Venus 4,900 126,000 +5% 1 3
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
We changed the personal rewards and chances for the rewards for the Waterfall Archipelago.  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
These are the current personal rewards for the Waterfall Archipelago (in no order):
FPs, coins, supplies, 1-2 random units, 5 random unit, rogues, 10 goods, 50 goods, diamonds, 1 Great Elephant Selection Kit Fragment, 10% attack boost, 20% attack boost

Notes: The amount differs between leagues and all rewards have different chances to appear. The coin and supply amounts also differ between every age.