about 1 year ago - Leones - Direct link
The first-ever Quantum Incursion season starts on the 1st of February!

Lasting 14 days each, six seasons will constitute a Championship, starting a new adventure for you and your Guild. As you compete with other players for a spot in the Quantum Ranking, you will be able to:

- choose a Quantum Officer and have them guide your Guild through different encounters on the QI map
- coordinate with your Guild to decide which path is more beneficial for your current goals
- fight weak and strong enemies alike, and defeat big bad bosses at the end
- chip in to donate resources, units, and Goods to negotiate your way out of encounters
- pave your way through up to 10 Incursion difficulties
- manage your QI Settlement and its citizens, a feat that might sound easier than it seems
- and more!


For your outstanding achievements as a Quantum Traveler, you can be handsomely rewarded with powerful Neo buildings:

Neo Colossus Neo Marble Gateway Neo Winners' Plaza Neo Botanical Rotunda
Colossus_10 Kopie.png MarbleGateway Kopie.png VictoryPlaza Kopie.png BotanicalRotunda Kopie.png

Head to our Knowledge base for the complete feature overview.

...and make sure to let us know what you think in our forum feedback thread or in the Beta space on Discord!

See you in the Quantum Realm!  
about 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear Adventurer,
starting with the second Incursion, we are going to do some balancing adjustments.
  • The starting resources have been increased:
    • Quantum :coins: : 100 000 -> 150 000
    • Quantum :supplies: : 10 000 -> 15 000
    • All Quantum :goods: : 10 -> 20
  • Fighting against Iron Age units now provides a lot more battle points
  • The production time for the Town Hall has been reduced from 22h to 20h
  • The scaling of goods costs for buying :size: has been adjusted, making early expansions (way) cheaper and the last ones more expensive
  • The army boost of units in level 6 to 8 has been reduced
  • Strongholds had incorrect values in level 2. This has been fixed
  • The Villa now provides 150, instead of 200 population, making it less of a burden in terms of Euphoria
And that's it for now. As usual we thank you a lot for testing and providing your feedback. Don't forget to tell us what you think about those changes, as well as how you like them while playing in our feedback thread or in the Beta space on Discord!

Your Forge of Empires team  
about 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear Adventurer,
it is time for another adjustment. This time we decided to simplify the Quantum Action costs. Instead of having increasing costs to move and do an action per level, you now have to use the same amount for every level. Moving costs 2000 and interacting 3500 Quantum Actions.

Your Forge of Empires team  
11 months ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear Adventurer,
you have come far and high on the Basilisk Peak, and we hope you enjoyed your journey so far!

Today we have to make a small but important announcement: We are going to extend the current Quantum Incursions Championship by another 2 weeks. We're doing this to ensure a smooth transition between the Championships and minimize the interference with the other updates we're planning.

Please be aware that this change is temporary. The QI Championships in general will continue to run for 12 weeks (6 QI Seasons), and we are not planning to make this extension on the live servers.

Because of the extension, you will have 2 more weeks to collect progress on your Quantum Pass and complete more difficulties in the Quantum Incursions! However, you will have to wait longer to collect your final Championship rewards.

We thank you for your understanding and if you want to share feedback, please visit this channel!

Your Forge of Empires Team