almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • No player related updates
almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • We improved the technology name texts, so that you can see more of it now
almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • No player related updates
almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • No update will occur today
almost 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • There was a minor issue on our Microsoft Store version, where it was difficult to finish the tutorial with certain screen resolutions. The tutorial can now be finished correctly