about 1 year ago - Leones - Direct link
This time we have a bigger update prepared, we only have put the highlights here. The full version of the release notes can be viewed here: https://innogam.es/FoE1275

  • FOE-78934: We've fine-tuned the aid order of buildings to create a smoother and more strategic experience. Our new tiered system prioritizes buildings within their respective groups based on their level — the higher the level, the higher the priority.
  • FOE-79923: In Guild Battlegrounds, we're upping the stakes! From now on, only victories in the Diamond League will contribute to your position in the ranking. Victories in lower leagues will no longer have an impact on your rank, raising the bar for competitive play and rewarding top-tier success.

  • FOE-80406, FOE-77473: Have you ever found it frustrating when you can't read the entire text because it's cut off? We understand that pain, especially when it pertains to rewards from buildings where you want all the details. To enhance your experience, we've implemented automatic scrolling for texts that are too long! This clever feature ensures that you will be able to see all the information in due time.

We're thrilled to share a sneak peek of what we're putting the final touches on – "Quantum Incursions!" Our revolutionary guild feature is about to make its debut on the Beta Server. As we polish it up for the beta release, don't miss this final opportunity to join a guild on beta and be among the first to embark on Quantum Incursions!

Your Forge of Empires Team