almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • No update due to holiday.
  • No update due to holiday.
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • There were some visual issues in the Halloween Event, especially in French.
  • You were able to exchange the Daunting Tower and Haunted Tree at the Antiques Dealer. This was not intended and has been removed.
  • Plundering a building and getting it doubled by the Atlantis Museum did not display the doubling visually.
  • The naming of the Questgiver in the Winter Event was not consistent. Sometimes she was called "Cocoa" and sometimes "Ami".
  • No player related updates.
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • Having the special full screen effect activated in the Space Age Jupiter Moon Colony and visiting a player via chat did not disable the underwater effect.
  • Finishing a Quest of the Winter Event triggered snowing in space colonies.
  • All Quest texts ended with a ":". This has been removed.
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • We have made some balancing changes to the Winter Event. More information will follow tomorrow.
  • Clicking on the Calendar Reward does now open a new window with all rewards, similar to the Halloween Calendar Reward.
  • The Chocolatery did display a Coins icon without producing coins. It has been exchanged for a Forge Point icon.
  • Some players were not able to login via Facebook anymore.
  • You were no longer able to login, if you entered a space after your username. This is now possible again.
  • In the Aztecs Settlement, finishing a game could sometimes lead to an internal error.
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • Disabled buttons were shown as enabled in many places.
  • The Tooltip for the Box of Blueprints only displayed 2 Observatory Blueprints. It now also displays the 2 normal Blueprints again.
  • We have added the amount of rewards to the Grand Prizes, so you see them without needing to hover over them.
  • Starting the first wave of a battle in GBG, waiting for it to finish and the next one starting and then try to start the second battle would prevent you from playing the game.
  • Offers with Event currency could sometimes only be available on certain worlds.
  • Contributing to other players did not display the Medals reward.
  • The Tarot Card Caravans did display "+-happiness" and had no sound when collecting.