about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens,
On Wednesday, December 1st, our Forge Bowl Event returns!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Footballs should not be egg shaped" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.

Thank you very much and have fun!

Best regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens,

Our famous quarterback Cal Rogers makes his return with InnoForgers team to participate in this year's Forge Bowl!

The Forge Bowl starts on December 1st and will run until December 22nd.​

As soon as Forge Bowl starts, you can access the event window on top left corner to score touchdowns for your team! Listen to Cal Rogers to make progress in this year’s questline. You’ll be able to complete 35 rush quests immediately, and receive another 21 quests on a daily basis.

Your goal is to reach the end zone and score a touchdown, giving you the opportunity to win the coveted Touchdown Reward. Move your team forward 80 yards in order to score a touchdown, pushing your opponents down field towards your prize. Just like last year, you can use one of the five available coaches, who'll grant different advantages based on your needs, so use them wisely!

To start the game, select one player from the field to advance towards the end zone. Each player gives you a different reward for choosing him, and each play requires Footballs, which you earn via quests. You can also get additional Footballs by logging in every day, as well as collecting some more from incidents.

For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking come better rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. Aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!

Just like last year, you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches. You can change your current coach by clicking his portrait in the the top left corner. There, you'll be able to select a coach who suits your current tactics best. There are four volunteer coaches, and each of them provides different advantages as you make progress to a touchdown. There's also the professional Ultimate Coach, who provides all these advantages combined . The Default Coach is your initial coach, and he will stay with you for however long you wish. If you prefer to choose another coach, they will work for you for up to 24 hours (buy you can dismiss them earlier), after which they will take a 24 hour break during which they cannot be rehired. If you really want to though, they will rejoin you earlier for a small fee. This cooldown does not apply to the Default Coach and the Ultimate Coach.

Default Coach Progress Coach Special Coach League Coach Ultimate Coach
Provides a small chance to double a play reward.​ This coach grants extra yard progress for each play​ Increases the chance of winning the Daily Special​ Doubles the points earned towards the League Table​ Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together​

With Forge Bowl 2022 we're also introducing a new exciting building! The event's main reward is the Fiore Village, a 10 level residential building! You can get the level 1 building from the questline, an you can upgrade it all the way to the level 10. To do so, you need Fiore Village Upgrade Kits. The base building provides coins, happiness and population. Level 3 adds medals to the rewards. Levels 5 & 6 add in goods for you and levels 7 & 8 also give guild goods as well as at level 8 you will get an additional coin production boost. Finally, level 10 will also include defense for attacking army as well as all the bonuses from the prior levels.

Fiore Village (4x6) - 10 level residential building

New Event Pass:
We're also adding something new and exciting for this years event, the brand new Event Pass! This is a special Premium option that you can purchase to get extra rewards with each Grand Prize you acquire in this event.

Upon clicking on "See Prizes" at the bottom right corner of your event screen, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every 80 yards you advance in the field, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity items.

This year we have also added Bowl Prizes! The Bowl Prizes' lane (the blue one) becomes available with purchasing the Event Pass, and you can do so at any time through the Event Prizes window! When you unlock it, for every 80 yards you can simultaneously receive one of the Bowl Prizes, containing even more rewards for your city!

That's not all! If you didn't have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to claim some of those awesome past event items: The Colossus, Olympic Treasury, Sentinel Outpost, Terracotta Vineyard and many others!

Lastly, as always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining these two new themed portraits:

We hope you enjoy this year's event. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback. If you come across any issues, please kindly report them in this separate area.

Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Fixed the size in the announcement, thank you both :)
Havik79 said: So how much is the event pass.
You will see tomorrow :)  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Here are the current stats for the Fiore Village:
Spoiler: Level 10
Age Provides Produces
happiness-57be1ee93.png population-e6f83cb5e.png rank-57652d887.png coin_production-ecd40aa19.png def_boost_attacker-dc9c5b559.png money-ecd40aa19.png icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png medals-ddf85c814.png all_goods_of_age-590f80efc.png
1d if motivated
Bronze Age 1,300 275 120 +19% +19% 1,900 30 32 33
Iron Age 2,240 592 192 +19% +19% 4,500 30 41 33
Early Middle Ages 2,470 908 480 +20% +20% 7,400 30 50 33
High Middle Ages 2,760 1,275 960 +20% +20% 10,400 30 58 33
Late Middle Ages 3,080 1,673 1,440 +22% +22% 13,800 30 67 33
Colonial Age 3,620 2,111 2,400 +22% +22% 21,000 30 81 33
Industrial Age 4,080 2,581 4,800 +22% +24% 26,100 30 112 33
Progressive Era 4,480 3,080 7,200 +24% +24% 31,700 30 156 33
Modern Era 4,790 3,611 12,000 +24% +26% 39,400 30 223 33
Postmodern Era 4,990 4,162 19,200 +24% +26% 49,600 30 312 33
Contemporary Era 5,800 4,743 28,800 +26% +28% 64,600 30 446 33
Tomorrow Era 7,040 5,345 48,000 +26% +28% 74,800 30 602 33
The Future 8,440 5,977 76,800 +26% +30% 85,700 30 736 33
Arctic Future 9,830 6,630 115,200 +28% +30% 97,400 30 892 33
Oceanic Future 11,340 7,303 144,000 +28% +32% 109,800 30 1,026 33
Virtual Future 13,550 7,997 192,000 +28% +32% 123,000 30 1,248 33
Space Age Mars 21,680 12,658 312,000 +30% +34% 205,500 30 1,516 33
Space Age Asteroid Belt 23,560 13,750 432,000 +30% +34% 227,600 30 1,783 33
Space Age Venus 25,450 14,861 504,000 +30% +34% 250,900 30 2,051 33
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
With the next update, we will change some stats for the Fiore Village. We increased the goods from 30 (6 of each) to 32 (32 of one), guild goods from 20 to 25 and increased the defense for your attacking army. I will update the stats in the previous post after the update is done. Thank you for all the feedback you provided regarding the building!  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear Kings and Queens,

We want to inform you about the changes we did to the Forge Bowl Event after it has concluded on the Beta Server.

Firstly, we changed the second to last Quest of the Event, because it had the same conditions as the last one.
Secondly, we have increased the Footballs you receive from Rush-Quests and the Milestone Reward, making it easier to get the Fiore Village to the highest level.
Furthermore, we swapped the position of the Level 1 Fiore Village with the next Upgrade Kit in the Grand Prizes, making one more Kit available until you receive the new level 1 building.
Lastly, we did some minor changes to the Daily Special rewards and changed the first couple of Event Pass rewards to be better in general.

Thank you for the feedback you provided!  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear players,

We made some further balancing changes to the Fiore Village within today's daily update, which means that a few attribute improvements will be introduced to the grand prize building.

Fiore Village Improvements
  • Level 9
    • increased Medals production
  • Level 10
    • Random goods increased from 32 to 33
    • Guild goods increased from 25 to 30
    • increased Medals production

We truly hope you like these changes, and we're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Leones - Direct link
Dear players,

We are introducing more balancing changes to the Fiore Village building on January 27th, and this time we are including Forge Points. You can find the details below:

  • Level 4 - 1 Forge Point
  • Level 5 - 2 Forge Points
  • Level 6 - 3 Forge Points
  • Level 7 - 4 Forge Points
  • Level 8 - 5 Forge Points
  • Level 9 - 7 Forge Points
  • Level 10 - 9 Forge Points
Please, note that we always try to introduce all the balancing adjustments while on beta, but live balancing changes can and do happen as well. As always, we're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team