13 days ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Scene Graph is now available! You can try it out in UEFN as an “Experimental” feature. An Experimental release means you won’t be able to publish islands using it until the Early Access release, but you can try it out in UEFN while it’s still in development!

Notes, a newly added tool in UEFN, will make collaboration and iteration much easier for teams by allowing you to capture feedback and action items directly in your viewport!

You can now incorporate Player Built Walls and Structures (PBWS) on your LEGO® Islands! Look out for the LEGO row to be back in Discover soon featuring all the latest LEGO Islands.

You’ll also find new assets for Creative and UEFN, documentation updates on EDC, and a new monetization tab in Creator Portal.

Read more about what’s new and check out the bug fixes at

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