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Hey guys!

I did some research but everything I found is like over a year old and doesn't work so I hope you can help me.

We played creative yesterday and everytime round 2 started at least 4/5 people couldn't shoot/ADS/pickaxe anymore.

The only thing that still worked was building/editing.

We tested a lot of different maps (storm wars, rotation maps, turtle maps, a map we built on our own) and it was the same in each map.

We we're able to fix this problem by binding "Fire" to a key on our keyboard, but as soon as we used left mouse click again it didn't work anymore.

We also tried unbinding everything from left mouse button except fire but the problem was still the same.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Is anyone else having this issue? u/soi-, were you all in the same party?