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This issue has been going on for awhile since the introduction of the phase feature on creative. It’s an awesome feature but for players who use L3 to jump instead of X, it has become a huge issue in our creative process because when I float up I have to hold L3

But if I hold L3 it also activates the Phase feature

Long story short, it puts me in a repetivive loop where I’m trying to get out if fly mode but when I do it still phases and takes almost a minute to fix the issue

Unfortunately if I wanna fly again, the same issue occurs and another minute is lost

It adds up

Fix? Please give us custom fly and phase buttons.

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over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Hi Krowl, we're aware of this and working on it. You can follow progress here: https://trello.com/c/Qj28oYFa/655-using-phase-mode-causing-character-to-be-stuck-in-a-weird-state