over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Experiencing an issue? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments.


When reporting issues please include:

  • Description of the issue

  • Account Name (optional)

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  • Link to video or images

  • Include details on when this issue started happening

  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.


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Thanks for helping us identify and squash those pesky bugs. Teamwork makes the dream work!

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over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link


over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by NepAlchemist

Description: Audio in certain creative mode games is completely broken. Shots not being heard, traps not being heard, builds not being heard etc.

Account E-mail: [email protected]

Platform: PC

Links to proof:

----------Gun shots silent: https://streamable.com/7e2cx

----------Build audio silent: https://streamable.com/p634v

----------Editing silent: https://streamable.com/zg3zs

----------Launch pads/boosters/other traps silent: https://streamable.com/g177j

----------Music sequencer damage silent: https://streamable.com/d7a0j

----------Pickaxe hitting builds silent: https://streamable.com/lz73b

----------Pickaxe swings/fall damage silent: https://streamable.com/alhww

Onset: Audio problems started after 8.30 but became much worse after 8.40

How to reproduce: On islands with a lot of devices (music sequencers, damage zones, barriers, etc) the bug seems to come up without fail after playing 2-3 games of 5 minutes each. Usually the audio is fine when loading up the island for the first time and playing the first game. If you want to check out my specific island where this problem is most consistent I'd be happy to help!


We're aware of this one and looking into it. Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by NepAlchemist

More small bugs noticed

-Each time you place a mushroom it rotates clockwise

----Proof: https://streamable.com/7rqju

-When standing in water that's not deep at all, you can't look up without your vision being blocked out

----Proof: https://streamable.com/8attj

Also weapon spawn pad items are respawning even if the option is set to "off"

Thanks again!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by chrisbj

Bug: Dropping something out of your currently selected inventory slot when either healing or reviving a teammate cancels the action. (When using tap to interact)

Platform: PS4 but I believe it’s everywhere else too.

Very repeatable, just try it.

Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SlappyHei

I have 2 bugs to talk about!

. . . . .

• ⁠The lobby music stays after winning a match. This can be repeated over and over and it get’s louder.

• ⁠SlappyHeiYT (Epic) OurSlappyHei (Xbox)

• ⁠Xbox

• ⁠Example: No examples yet

• ⁠Patch v8.40

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

• ⁠The fog effect is going crazy. It looks like it’s lightning 24/7

• ⁠SlappyHeiYT (Epic) OurSlappyHei (Xbox)

• ⁠Xbox

• ⁠Example: https://reddit.app.link/UXvYsUSc3V

• ⁠Patch v8.30

We are working on both of these, thank you!

You can watch the progress of the Fog issue here: https://trello.com/c/1y3x9s0Z/608-fog-effect-not-working-correctly

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by M-C_Skittles

  • Hop Rocks don't jump as high and sometimes back you jump backwards (even when standing still), i can replicate this just by using them

  • PC

  • Can't get video proof at the moment but i should be able to in the next few hours

  • 8.30

Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by AweDamn

Got it, thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by JamesBondMeow

• Description: On my infected map I have 3 teams, team 1 is the survivors, team 2 is the alpha infected, and team 3 is the normal infected. When the game starts there should be 14-15 survivors and 1 alpha infected, after you die once, you should change to team 3 and spawn on the team 3 spawn pads. However, for some reason, when you die, instead of changing teams and spawning on the team 3 spawn pads, you spawn in the air and stay in team 1. Overall, spawn pads are broken with team settings and with the "after last spawn go to" setting.

• Name: JamesBondMeow

• Platform: PC

• Links/Evidence: Can't really show it, but will if I have to

• When did issue start?: Not exactly sure when the issue started, but other people were saying after the voice chat setting was introduced.

• How to reproduce: For me like mentioned above, you need to have 3 teams (or more not sure), each having there own spawn pads. Then you need to set the spawns to 1 and the "after last spawn go to" setting to Team 3. I have 3 separate team inventory devices for each team, but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the bug. I don't know if the priority setting could fix it, but I have tried it with different combinations and had no results.

I think this is something we're working on, but I'm not sure. I'll be sure someone gets eyes on this. Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by IbustCoconuts

Description: proceeding to jump in creative mode makes you come back down


Platform: I believe all platforms, but I'm not so sure all I know that it's on PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, and perhaps PC.



When it happened:It started around 8.30 or maybe before.

More details: When I try to jump the game just stutters for a few miliseconds and it makes me come back down. It only makes you jump a few inches off the ground. This happens when you're in creative for a while or when you start a game(s)

Thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by NepAlchemist

Description: Audio in certain creative mode games is completely broken. Shots not being heard, traps not being heard, builds not being heard etc.

Account E-mail: [email protected]

Platform: PC

Links to proof:

----------Gun shots silent: https://streamable.com/7e2cx

----------Build audio silent: https://streamable.com/p634v

----------Editing silent: https://streamable.com/zg3zs

----------Launch pads/boosters/other traps silent: https://streamable.com/g177j

----------Music sequencer damage silent: https://streamable.com/d7a0j

----------Pickaxe hitting builds silent: https://streamable.com/lz73b

----------Pickaxe swings/fall damage silent: https://streamable.com/alhww

Onset: Audio problems started after 8.30 but became much worse after 8.40

How to reproduce: On islands with a lot of devices (music sequencers, damage zones, barriers, etc) the bug seems to come up without fail after playing 2-3 games of 5 minutes each. Usually the audio is fine when loading up the island for the first time and playing the first game. If you want to check out my specific island where this problem is most consistent I'd be happy to help!


over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by iFlak

Thanks again!

These have both been reported, thank you!

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by iFlak

Thank you!

We are unable to repro this, do you have a video?

over 5 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by NepAlchemist

More small bugs noticed

-Each time you place a mushroom it rotates clockwise

----Proof: https://streamable.com/7rqju

-When standing in water that's not deep at all, you can't look up without your vision being blocked out

----Proof: https://streamable.com/8attj

Also weapon spawn pad items are respawning even if the option is set to "off"

This will be fixed in a future update.