The official Creating in Fortnite livestream on February 28th at 2PM ET. Join us for a livestream all about developer guest Look North World’s creations, best practices, development strategy – and more!

Wednesday, February 28th @ 2:00 PM ET



Kyle Marks - Co-founder, Creative Director
Kyle Marks is Co-founder & Creative Director at LNW. Previously: Design Director EA Industrial Toys (Battlefield Mobile), Design Lead Gunslinger Studios, Designer @ Disney Mobile (various ‘Where’s My?’ titles)

Jason Pecho / Co-founder, CTO
Co-founder and CTO of Look North World. Previously: co-creator and technical lead on all of Disney’s Where’s My Water games, Technical Director @ Industrial Toys and EA (Battlefield Mobile)

Aaron Marroquin / Co-founder, Principal Artist
Co-founder and Principal Artist of Look North World. Previously Art Director and Game Designer @ Industrial Toys, Co-Host of The Fourth Curtain Podcast

Prashant Patil / Co-founder, Art Director
Co-founder and Art Director of Look North World. Previously Concept Art Director @ EA Industrial Toys, artist at Gunslinger and Gentle Giant (edited)

If you’re unable to make the show, all livestreams can be viewed afterwards on-demand

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