over 4 years
ago -
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Hello Commanders!
I've seen some questions regarding Venture levels and their rewards. Here's a compiled a list of the major unlocks from Venture Levels. Levels in between will reward Flux, Evolution materials, Perk materials, and more. Be sure to complete the Impostor Questline for additional Superchargers!
Ventures Level Unlocks
20 - Core RE-PERK!
25 - Weapon Voucher
30 - Hero Voucher
34 - Survivor Supercharger
36 - Survivor Supercharger x2
38 - Hero Supercharger
40 - Survivor Supercharger x3
42 - Trap Supercharger
44 - Survivor Supercharger x4
46 - Weapon Supercharger
48 - Survivor Supercharger x5
50 - Hero Supercharger
I hope everyone is enjoying their time battling through Ventures in the Blasted Badlands.
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