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Curious, where exactly you ran into this?

The error mentioned at the end is pretty much telling - I assume you want to login into your account via Google, but the useragent info of the app is blocked on Google's side. Keep in mind that logging in in a different browser, like this screen says won't solve the login in this app.

Useragent is pretty much the app telling the server it connects to what it is, e.g. for my browser that's something like "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:134.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/134.0". If that's not an official Epic app, that may be a sign not to login into it. If that's an official Epic app, Google blocking it via useragent on their side makes some rather interesting implications. UPD: apparently that's a thing with in-app webview that's been on Android for a while for multiple other apps.

P.S. Is this the right subreddit? This one is for StW and StW is not available on mobile

Originally posted by One-Truth-5511

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I must asks what your acronyms means.

Please dont police me because I don't understand where else to post

Edit: I logged in successfully non Google

StW is Save The World, the original Fortnite game mode. You posted in the subreddit that's specifically for this mode