Hey everyone,
We're looking for further data on players who are experiencing Endurance crashing since update v12.50 went live (4/29/2020).
Gathering data on this crash has been an ongoing effort and we're looking for further (and more recent data) of this crash. Any player who hits this crash after today's update should send me a private DM with the following information:
- Account name
- Platform
- Other players in your mission
- Date / estimate time stamp of when this occurred.
Additionally, PC players who experience this crash can further help by sending me your client logs directly.
- Experience the Endurance Crash
- Navigate to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Logs.
- Grab the FortniteGame.txt file (it's time stamped for when your client closed)
- Send it to be via Google Drive or Discord message ( Magyst#8046)
Thank you.
External link →