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10 days ago - /u/AryssSkaHara - Direct link

It does. If you check the video trailer for the quests, it explicitly lists StW as one of eligible modes made by Epic.

10 days ago - /u/AryssSkaHara - Direct link

Originally posted by Specific_Ladder8613

What's stw

Save the World, the mode this subreddit is about

Originally posted by brony4869

but it doesn't just work for the "...xp in modes by Epic". it counts towards "...xp in creator made experiences" too. it also doesnt require you to be partied. you can do it with randoms or even solo.

The question was "does it work in StW?", not "where else does it work?"

Originally posted by brony4869

I think you misunderstood my point. yes, stw is one of the "by epic" modes that it works in, but the quests are intended to require you to be partied up with a friend. you do not have to be in a party for save the world xp to count towards these quests. additionally, getting xp in stw counts for the quests that say "in creator made experiences" which stw definitely is not.

meaning that playing stw actually bypasses the whole point of these quests

And you're missing the point that OP wondered about Spring Quests in general working in StW . Not "do I have to be with friends", not "does StW count for this specific spring quest". And the answer to that is "yes, Spring Quests work in StW and that's intended". So not sure why are you correcting me instead of providing a comment to OP with that additional information.