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Cut the cake and crack open some llamas, it’s birthday time!
Celebrate Save the World’s Birthday

Starting July 20, 2022, at 8 PM ET, a new daily Birthday Quest will be available each day for one week only! Take on new challenges to earn a celebratory Birthday Llama every day, and eliminate 50 Cake Sploders throughout the entire event to earn an additional Birthday Llama. The Event Store will also have one free Birthday Llama available — make it rain!
Birthday Llamas are a great way to shore up your roster or progress the Collection Book, granting Heroes and Items from past Save the World seasons and events.
Keep on Hittin’ the Road

The Hit the Road questline keeps on truckin’ this week as Quinn is back in the driver seat! Her “Shields Up!” modifier is back — but those pesky Husks have been beefed up and won’t go down without a fight. Complete her journey to broadcast the Song of the Summer and unlock Whiteout Fiona!
Next week, look out for Crackshot’s encore joyride with his trusty “Concussive Shieldbreak'' modifier and nab the Deciblaster as a reward. Watch out, though, as enemies are now hidden on the map and Husky Husks explode when eliminated!
Penny and Cloaked Star return later this month to keep the road trip cruising along, with Parasaur Jess and Thunder Thora up for grabs. Remember to collect Hit the Road tickets along the way and swap them for a Rad Llama full of four Rad Heroes and five Boombox Weapons.
Speaking of rad returners, check in on the Event Store every week and pick up prehistoric classics like Jurassic Ken and Archaeolo-Jess or the booming Surround Pound hammer!
More Questlines Coming Up

And be on the lookout for the VSS Gallant’s return as Beyond the Stellar Horizon is right around the corner on July 24. Get its production back on track and unlock the mythic Outlander, Azalea Clark.
Then, starting on August 7, Tales of Beyond is back! It’s up to you to discover if this new guest is friend or foe and unlock the primal Ninja Hero Paleo Luna, complete with the melee damage-boosting Saurian Claws perk.