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None of what was included today is "big" like what that community manager claimed. I'm not asking for all this new content right now, but I'd love it if our own community manager wouldn't LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH ABOUT THE TRUTHFULNESS OF WHAT WE'RE GETTING! At this point I'd rather have StW shut down then be constantly kicked while its already down. That, or Epic sued into oblivion for this. This is just unacceptable.

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about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

I never used the word "big" when I spoke with a few individuals i said there are "new" things coming. The wording is important and i take it seriously.

New things include hurdle, new biome, new questline for a new hero. "Big" update wasn't said. I dont even know what would define a big update? Potentially the length of notes? If thats the case i believe i informed a few folks that this update in fact wasnt "big" in terms of length/size.

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by ksgfordays

Sure made it seem big if you teased it to Archer a week in advance. Just want to clarify something. Not mad at you, not mad at Archer, I'm mad at the higher up who told you to tease it a week in advance. Had it of been 3 days or so before the update, wouldn't've been all that bad. But I was expecting a small (I mean very small, like 1% of the roster) amount of weapons and heroes to be reworked to perform better in the endgame (I consider the endgame to be Power Level 100 and on) because endgame in StW is so incredibly boring and unoriginal. Not asking for another Warframe, in terms of combat loop, but at least something better than overreliance on traps!

No one told me to tease anything. I am the one who reached out in regard to the update. It was to inform the person mostly that the update was going to happen on the 18th.

We were off for winter break until Jan 3rd and I hadnt spoken to him or anyone during that time. When I got back i saw a few bug reports, mostly being the console performance issues. I figured I would reach out and give him a heads-up of when the next update was coming since players would be curious. I said the following:

"Next patch isnt huge in terms of length but i think everyone will enjoy it. Its set for the 18th fyi since MLK day is a monday and we're off"

I was then asked if there was something he could share with his community. I never spoil or share something im not allowed to, but i figured it would be fine to say that something "New" was coming. I said the following:

"You can share the word "New" 😂. So something "new" is your tease lol"

Beyond that, we spoke a bit more with me saying again, i think/hope the players will enjoy the update and that was really the end of it.

Im sorry that there seems to have been some confusion here beyond what was said. It seems the community took the tease a bit far in terms of expectations. I wasnt aware of any outrageous claims or conversation before seeing this thread today that it was supposed to be a "BIG" or some mega update.

In the future i can easily just not say anything at all if its going to cause an issue.