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This edition of the Homebase Status Report may pull at your heartstrings, so let's get started.
Homebase Status Report - Initiate!
Coming February 7 (7 PM ET) - Love Ranger Jonesy and the Heartbreaker Crossbow take aim in the Event Store, Team up with Superheroes in the Blockbuster Questline, and Wargames: Space Rocks comes crashing down!
Love Ranger Jonesy
“I have a heart of stone…Literally”- Love Ranger Jonesy- Standard Perk: Power Impact
- Increases Shockwave radius by 37.5%
- Commander Perk: Power Impact+
- Increases Shockwave radius by 112.5%

The Heartbreaker Crossbow
This piercing bow is skilled at breaking two things; hearts and Husk.
The Blockbuster Questline
A crashed meteorite has shaken Homebase to its core! Ray has gone off to investigate leaving the self proclaimed other OTHER Bot, Lok, in charge! Help Lok lead the crew through these tense times and you will be rewarded with Mythic Soldier Carbide and Mythic Ninja Cloaked Star.
“Nothing to fear, Carbide is here!" - Carbide- Standard Perk: Zip and Zap
- Lefty and Right applies affliction which deals 13 base energy damage per second for three seconds
- Commander Perk: Zip and Zap+
- Lefty and Right applies affliction which deals 26 base energy damage per second for three seconds. Lefty and Righty uses Space Pistols which fire piercing, bouncing lasers

Cloaked Star
“I fight alone." - Cloaked Star- Standard Perk: Fan of Stars
- Throw all Throwing Stars together in an arc. Adds 1 additional star
- Commander Perk: Fan of Stars+
- Throw all Throwing Stars together in an arc. Adds 3 additional stars

Wargames Week 3: Space Rocks
It’s all coming down in this Wargames simulation! Defend your fort while massive meteorites pour in. Coming February 14 (7 PM ET) - Anti-Cuddle Sarah makes room in the Event Store and watch your health in the Hexed edition of Wargames

Anti-Cuddle Sarah
“I’m considered an expert in personal space”- Anti-Cuddle Sarah- Standard Perk: Rapid Charge
- Melee weapon eliminations grant 7.5 Energy
- Commander Perk: Rapid Charge+
- Melee weapon eliminations grant 22.5 Energy

Wargames Week 4: Hexed
In this edition of Wargames Commanders have been hit with a vicious curse that drains their health. Cure this curse or prepare for the worst!
The Robo-Kevin Pack
“I HAVE BEEN UPGRADED" - Robo-KevinHomebase’s triangular technologist has made the ultimate upgrade to his favorite nifty gadget - himself!
The Robo-Kevin Pack brings a new Hero and Outfit, the Whirrr Backbling, the Power Pick Pickaxe, the Robo-Kevin Challenges and access to Save the World. These exclusive Save the World challenges will earn you 1,000 V-Bucks and 1,000 X-Ray Tickets.
The Cosmetic items of this Pack will be shared through Battle Royale, Save the World and Creative game modes. This new Pack series will have no impact on existing Founder daily login rewards or their V-Bucks earned, which is exclusive to early access Founders. These outfits may appear in the item shop in the future.
Have a lovely time, Commanders!