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Ghost town... no exaggeration.


So here are my constructive suggestions for Epic:


- Why did the recent "meta change" enrage the player base? Mainly because there was nothing wrong with the meta we had. The vast majority of players were happily playing a game with a healthy mix of tower defense and run and gun peacefully co-existing. If you weren't hip to the meta not being broke before, surely the avalanche of flames from the player base on this sub tipped you off right?

- Don't waste a single second of time "fixing"(nerfing) things players actually like, such as Frost Ice Queen's ability or blizzard blitzen's 6th perk, until this game is free of bugs that HARM PLAYERS. Literally zero players would rank these inconsequential nerfs as more important than server stability, inventory wipes, etc... When players enjoy a particular event or game mode, for god's sake, DO NOT take that as a sign that it needs to be fixed/adjusted/nerfed, or anything of the sort! It's a sign that players are enjoying that part of the game, and/or feel the reward is appropriate. Remember when people played wargames? "Fixed"!


- How long was it before you even acknowledged the recent stability issues that made the missions literally unplayable? How long after it got so bad that people reported complete inventory wipes? A freaking week. A week full of community posts warning players not to play your game, and literally begging you to take down the servers. When did you FINALLY acknowledge it? About one split nano-second after David Dean made a video of his account getting wiped, and you got dragged, kicking and screaming, into admitting it, and even then; not on Trello. PRIORITIZE GAME STABILITY OVER EVERYTHING ELSE.

- What are you doing about the steady stream of complaints about the reward adjustment system? I just read another new, well-thought out manifesto critiquing how reward adjustment punishes the innocent and forces players to compete for score just prior to posting this (there have been many). I'm glad you finally took AFKing seriously, kick for idle is good stuff, but you know whats not good? It's not good when players feel like they can't get rewards in public matches without being in a DPS race, coating the world with traps, and/or blocking teddies with walls. Countless memes have been posted to this sub showing the new "PvP STW Meta" you created with this flawed system. This issues MAGNIFIES the ghost town problem because the players that do stick around don't Queue public, making it seem even deader than it is (and its really, really dead).


- PATCH NOTES! Real games that players give a crap about need patch notes! I mean seriously, WTF are you even thinking? I'd like to pretend like this isn't insulting to your player base, but IT IS! I'd also like to think some of these problems are unintentional on your part, but this is intentional! It not even possible to imagine the meeting where someone says, "I think players will really appreciate us NOT telling them what's going on with the game". You did this on purpose. Fix it!

- The one thing you DO tell us is what's new in the store/quests, and you can't even be bothered to get simple info correct, like the names of abilities? Like Wukong apparently granting a team perk called mantis leap, which is actually a ninja class perk. Like how is that one too hard to get right?

- Don't put out MISINFORMATION! I'm not saying this one is intentional, but it's harmful nonetheless. Just for one example, at a time when so many people dislike reward adjustment, it's hard to read a post from /u/magyst assuring us that players' scores are not compared to each other for reward adjustment, and not feel soured on the game, knowing that is incorrect information. Literally EVERY player that runs mission in public lobbies is testing this in real time, in every mission, and it's obvious to us all that it DOES work that way. The multitude of players coating the world with traps, or the multitudes of constructors NOT running constructors... Guess what? They are not crazy. They are not wrong. We've all run stalls where everyone's score is low... NP; rewards given. We've all run and gunned missions where everyone's score is high... NP; rewards given. And by now, we probably have all been in missions where the spawn is literally coated with traps by one guy and... NOT gotten alert rewards.


TO RECAP: 1) fix what's broke, 2) don't "fix" what's not, and 3) communicate as if you care.


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over 4 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Thank you for the well written post, u/Virtual_Swayy and I appreciate the time put into this. I would like to address some of the things you've mentioned above.

Don't waste a single second of time "fixing"(nerfing) things players actually like, such as Frost Ice Queen's ability or blizzard blitzen's 6th perk, until this game is free of bugs that HARM PLAYERS. Literally zero players would rank these inconsequential nerfs as more important than server stability, inventory wipes, etc...

Adjusting a perk value (Design Team) vs server stability / wipes (engineers) are two completely different issues that are way out of scope from each other. A fix to a perk, depending on the issue, is something that can be done fairly quickly. Compare that to the inventory wipe, which took several days of code digging and work with our analytics team to determine impact, is something that didn't have a quick fix unfortunately. Once an issue is found we then have to determine if it can be resolved by a hot fix or needs to wait until a patch deploy. Most major issues require a patch to fix. The inventory bug was an extremely rare case (.01% of players impacted) and has since been resolved. Reddit is a very small portion of the actual player base and looking at reddit during the wipe.. you would think everyone was impacted. However, we reviewed the reports and only some of the reports were actually factual. Yes, I agree that we should have communicated on this a lot sooner than we did. Players, no matter now low % impacted, should have been told and I sincerely apologize for that. We're preparing a gift box that we're hoping to deploy later this afternoon to those hit with the wipe.

This same information applies to the server stability that you mentioned. New servers have since been deployed and we're seeing huge performance increases as a result.

steady stream of complaints about the reward adjustment system? / Don't put out MISINFORMATION!

The information given regarding the score is how the system is supposed to work. We've been re-evaluating since that thread and my comment were brought to make sure it's working correctly. We've seen the comments on how this system is functioning and the issues you guys are running into (trap spam, high levels playing down, players intentionally sabotaging, etc) and we're making adjustments in 12 that helps with some of this. The designers and I have been (and still are) in discussions regarding the fall outs that have been reported and agree that some changes need to be made.

can't even be bothered to get simple info correct

The specfic Wukong tile was an oudated tile and still in the editing phase. The tile wasn't supposed to go live when it did and I apologize on the confusion on that. The correct tile will be live tonight.

Hopefully this helps give some insight on some of the issues mentioned above. Unfortunately I can't hit on every topic or concern that is brought up by everyone on here Reddit and I apologize. It's definitely not my intention to make you guys feel ignored because that's not the case. I'm always here lurking and gathering the feedback and topics you guys are talking about.. I just may not be able to respond. <3

over 4 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by battlebeez

Don't thank him for that, he never addressed the Meta change or Patch Notes!

Unfortunately I can't hit on every topic or concern that is brought up by everyone on here Reddit and I apologize.

There will be some additional meta changes in 12. We'll make sure they are highlighted in the Homebase Status report.

"Aside from the scaling adjustments; we’re going to be taking a look at some underperforming weapons and traps to see where we can make adjustments." This was mentioned back in the Design Chat from December.

over 4 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by mortal58

Still completely ignoted the trap meta changes

There are some further adjustments coming in 12. The Design Chat from December mentioned that we were taking another look at under performing weapons and traps.

"Aside from the scaling adjustments; we’re going to be taking a look at some underperforming weapons and traps to see where we can make adjustments. "