Hey there! Do you mind providing me your client logs. Please follow these instructions for client log pulling so that we can investigate this.
Do you mind doing the following (Any anyone else impacted by this):
- Launch Fortnite
- Encounter this issue
- Close your Fortnite client
- Navigate to C:\Users\AppData\Local\FortniteGame\Saved\Logs.
- Grab the FortniteGame.txt file that is there (It will be time stamped from when you closed your client)
- Send it to me via discord (Magyst#8046) / google drive.
If you are on console:
- Go the 3 line menu in the top right (after going into the setting / hitting start)
- Click "Feedback"
- Click "bug report"
- Add the title "Pickaxe doing no damage"
- Submit the report.
Please let me know when this is done and please include your in-game game so that we can dig in.
Thank you!