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We waited 2 YEARS for these to come back, and only letting us have 3???

Please /u/magyst, /u/Chryztos, let us know... Is the Sploder' quest repeatable? Are we getting 2 free every day?

Please you guys. We need to know, we've waited so long for these.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Hey Archer, As mentioned in the Homebase Status Report:

Complete the short “Sploding Husks” quest to earn a Birthday Llama and be sure to grab the two free Birthday Llamas from the store! These will be available from July 21-July 27 at 8PM ET.

This is 3 Free Birthday Llamas. There's a chance we'll re-feature a couple of these in the future. Trust me, I understand the frustration and the team is aware of the feedback that's been given around the number of Llamas available.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by xXRaPinKiLL3RsXx

bruh should of made it more clear in the status report now people are gonna be extra frustrated because everyone assumed that the quest would be repeatable but now hearing that will break their hearts

If the quest was repeatable, it would have been noted in the report. Definitely an important factor to call out! That is something I'll bring up with the team.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by EeveeGavin

Did the team even think this through? 3 llamas... 3 it’s the birthday of the game, not thanksgiving, or some other random day you had out a free llama. The birthday event is supposed to be important.

This was something I raised before the Llamas were released, especially considering how the Llamas were released in the past. Unfortunately, I can't control the number of Llamas that were released.

There were definitely concerns raised about the previous iterations of the Llamas. Especially around the speed that players could max out their collections by just grinding this 1 specific Llama, which was not the intention.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by MrTROLLOLOLOLOL

I don't believe Magyst has control of what happens. He just reports our feedback to the Devs, If they don't do anything it's not in his control (also I don't think Epic funds STW enough to have enough devs to do things quickly)

I don't believe Magyst has control of what happens.

This is true. I report feedback, give suggestions, and work with the team on certain things. But, ultimately, I don't have full control / final say on some of these changes.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by Mylo375

lmaooooooooooo "future" = 54 weeks, 365 days, 12 months or a year. the world can collide by then. what a joke of a company

Not quite that long. Roughly a couple of months.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by Saianna

Considering playerbase unhappiness with BD llamas, is there any way you guys would change quest to be repeatable, OR add more BD llamas to the shop, OR add challenges for BD llamas?

Nothing that I can promise but I'll raise it with the team.

over 3 years ago - /u/Chryztos - Direct link

Originally posted by MrTROLLOLOLOLOL

See people, we shouldn't harass Magyst. He's just doing his best to help!

While I haven't been at Epic long, I can certainly attest that Magyst does his best to make sure the STW community is heard!

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