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over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Initially, these missions didn't give lower grade PERK materials. However, based on community feedback (and there was a lot of it), players were unhappy that they had to go down into lower tier missions to farm for Uncommon PERKUP.

This change allows higher level players to play missions of their level, collecting higher tiered rewards, while still able to maintain uncommon PERKUP.

However, the change that we made recently which gave back full investment of PERKUP has caused players to have a large amount of uncommon / rare PERKUP. I can bring this up with design and see where we stand after those changes.

over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_ME_INTERNET_SCAMS

Hey Magyst, this is my feedback regarding uncommon and rare perk up in twine peaks;

Get rid of it. Completely. Kill it. At the very end of the game, we shouldn't be getting plankerton tier rewards. Or at the very least make it impossible for rare and uncommon perk-up to appear in the new zones over PL100 recommended that's coming in v8.50.

Thanks for contributing to the discussion. I definitely appreciate it!

So are you saying that as an endgame player.. you would be okay with playing down into Stonewood / Plankerton (also earning Stonewood / Plankerton evo materials / XP) to farm it if you needed to? (theoretically if you ran out of Uncommon PERK and needed it to level up a schematic)

over 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by MitPintundPegel

Well maybe that was a thing in the past but I am sitting on 8k green and 5k blue perks without ever farming them. I have all traps and a lot of weapons max perked (PL 131). I really dont want to grind a group mission with green or blue perks in it and yes same with the XP. Sitting on 23 million surv. xp and around 8 million of schematic/hero. The only thing I still need also for the future is Epic and Leg. Perk-UP and more Evo-Mats. Just to give some feedback

Thank you! The feedback is always welcomed. What if you ran out of that though, would you be okay with downplaying into Stonewood / Plankerton to farm it again? (Also earning Stonewood / Plankerton rewards, xp, etc.)