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So, 160s are unfun....

  1. Most of the time i see the other 2-3 players farming and nothing built on the objective.
  2. You'll fairly often see one of those players blow in and throw up 50 tire or ceiling zapper traps in those 30 seconds before the balloon lands.
  3. The worst, and not uncommon, scenario is the linked pic, someone builds but places no traps, goes and farms with the others, then just shows up to blast it out during the defense. I'm assuming the thinking is, if we win great, if we lose it didn't cost much of my mats/traps.
  4. Today, was actually even worse. Van mission, I'm starting to build out some approach traps, and someone comes in and starts the mission...and actively starts trying to fail it after I start putting up traps on the objective walls. ramps for husks to the top, etc.

I guess this game is old enough that every jerk has made it to end game.

I shut it off. Take a couple days off.

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about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by RIP_STW

I still regularly do PWO missions in Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny, and early Twine, and while you can find muppets in all areas of the game, my experience in public lobbies in high Twine is the worst. Way too much of the playerbase there are useless. (And that is the area of the game where it actually matters to have useful teammates)

Last night, for instance, I did the 160 four atlas mission for the survivor. At the end of the mission me and two others had building scores in the range of 3-5k. The fourth player? Well he literally had a building score of zero. 😑

The one glimmer of hope is the 160 RTS mission where you can easily get away without building anything other than walls and roof around the objective, so it doesn’t matter so much in that mission if teammates don’t help build.

My theory is that a key reason public lobbies in the 140/160 zones are so bad is because a lot of the good players really do just play solo or play on private with friends. I play my weekly 160s solo a lot of the time due to the state of public lobbies and I’m sure I’m not the only one doing that.

Oh and I’m sure all the players getting carried through their SSDs with duped traps and carries doesn’t help either because then they just advance to Twine while still being utterly clueless how to use traps and build well.

Epic really needs to fix the reward system to encourage players to help build and kill objective-based husks. Or at least make it that you can’t just stand in the same spot the entire mission and just place a structure or craft ammo every few minutes to prevent getting kicked.

u/freighttrainusa are there any plans for the devs to address any of these concerns in the future seeing as Epic is now paying a little bit of attention to STW (e.g., reworking the afk detection and rewards systems)?

I can provide the feedback given here but i cant really speak on any plans at this time.

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

So what is your opinion regarding the current community issues? It's mostly players abusing the private match system to carry low leveled players into high end of the game. Not to mention how ventures makes people unlock every evolution levels from there instead of playing normal quests. Further worsening the game's progression. What's also annoying is the PL160 challenge is too much effort for so little reward.

One more thing, Magyst before he left said you guys will rework the report system. When will that actually happen?

Cant really speak to the main question. For the report system i can see what happened.