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So we know the common no build bug that happens when two people edit the same structure at the same time. Some people say it's happening only on console.

Apparently, it affects all platforms. I just tested that on my PC with my friend on console. It affected one of us every time we replicate it. And it has two possible ways to happen.

  • First one: Between two players.

The known one. And the most common between players.

How it works? Simply you and someone else have to edit the same structure at the same time if timed right. It'll happen to one of you whoever exit edit mode first. Causing the person to not being able to build.

  • Second one: Happening by the player himself.

This one is harder to replicate as it requires a perfect timing to execute, by breaking the structure while editing after this. But it'll provide the same outcome. No building for you.

Ping may be a factor in this as well.

  • The main cause of the bug

Because of these two possibilities. It's causes the game to think you are still in edit mode. Thus you are unable to build, edit, place traps or activate hoverboard.

  • How to solve?

People mentioned these workarounds:

  • Open chat and close it

  • Yoink yourself at the edge of the map

  • Take fall damage and respawn.

These may be workarounds but they don't work 100% of the time. So there may be a better solution if found.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Catching up on some reddit stuff. Will definitely share this out and see if our team is fully aware of everything you put down or can get a repro. Thanks for the detailed write-up.