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So the birthday event will happen around 20 july (in a month) if I'm right? They said we will get birthday llamas this year last year. I already got every rad hero and almost every rad weapon, so basically every ticket I save up the coming weeks will transfer into tickets for birthday llamas right?

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over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

As mentioned in last year's Status Report, Birthday Llamas will return this year. They will not cost V-Bucks or Tickets (so feel free to spend them now!). Birthday Llamas will contain all previous event items but will be available in limited amounts. We'll provide more information on them as we get closer to their release.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by T_manYT

So I'm guessing we'll be completing quests or something for them if not using tickets? This sounds complicated...

Will be straight forward, right now we're thinking a quest and Llama store. But we'll be sure to let you know in the next status report.

over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by XylicSTW

Seems like a strange way to go about it, but I'm eager to see how this turns out.

Unrelated question, is the first batch of Hero Perk changes still on track to be released this season? Can we get any sort of hint to the extent that these changes will affect gameplay? Like, is it just increasing/decreasing numbers or will there be any Perks that are totally changed?

Right now we're hoping for a bit of both for this first batch. It will definitely be something that comes out in waves and not in the masses. We've got a lot of awesome ideas but it will take some time to implement them which is why we're breaking it up.

We've been looking a lot of data, especially for perks that are picked the least overall. This also applies to class ability balance and not just perks.

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