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Fortnite Crew Benefits:

Her face may be covered, but she’s always watching.

Though hooded and masked, Sayara is unhindered in the April 2022 Crew Pack. This Crew Pack goes live for active Fortnite Crew subscribers at approximately 8 PM ET on March 31, 2022!


April Crew Pack: Sayara and then Some

In addition to the Sayara Outfit, the April Crew Pack contains the following items:

  • Fangs of Sayara Back Bling: A Back Bling holding two blades. (Both as sharp as Sayara’s senses.)

  • Dual Machettas Pickaxe: No hand’s idle with this dual-wield Pickaxe.

  • Sayara Sight Wrap: Make even your gear a reminder of Sayara. 

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More Fortnite Crew Benefits: Season 2 Battle Pass, Monthly V-Bucks, and the February Crew Pack!

Chapter 3 Season 2 Battle Pass

One component of Fortnite Crew is instant access to the current Season’s Battle Pass. This means that active subscribers during the recently-launched Chapter 3 Season 2 automatically get its Battle Pass. If you had already bought the Chapter 3 Season 2 Battle Pass before subscribing during the Season, a one-time 950 V-Bucks return will be applied to your account.

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1,000 V-Bucks Every Month

Active Fortnite Crew subscribers receive 1,000 V-Bucks every month! These V-Bucks are received on the day of subscribers’ billing date*. Signed up on March 28, 2022? You’ll be granted 1,000 V-Bucks upon sign-up, then while subscribed, 1,000 V-Bucks on April 28, 2022, on May 28, 2022, and so on.

Remember: Because you receive these V-Bucks on the day of your billing date, they aren’t attached to when you receive the monthly Crew Pack.

March Crew Pack: The Two Sides of Love with Tracy Trouble 

Exude charm or embrace the sinister. The heart of the March Crew Pack, Tracy Trouble includes a pink and bright default Style and the purple and sable Dark Style. Interested in the Tracy Trouble Outfit but haven’t added it to your collection? No need to worry: March’s Crew Pack is available until March 31 at 7:59 PM ET (right before players begin to receive April’s Crew Pack).

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As well as the Tracy Trouble Outfit, the March Crew Pack contains the heartbeatless (but still cute) Lovely Skully Back Bling, the “heartbreaking” Heartslash Pickaxe, and the as-charged-as-love Tracy’s Arsenal Wrap. Like the Outfit, the Back Bling and Pickaxe come with a dark alt Style.

Fortnite Crew Subscription

Signing up to Fortnite Crew is available in-game from either the Item Shop or Battle Pass tab. For more details on the subscription, check out our Fortnite Crew FAQ!

Important: To claim the April Crew Pack, you may need to log in from your original purchasing platform if it has been more than 30 days since your last login from that platform. 

*Recurring $11.99 (or local pricing) subscription fee charged monthly until cancelled. You can cancel anytime. See Subscription Terms for complete subscription details. Please note that Fortnite Crew subscription prices for certain regions will be updated at a later date to match other pricing adjustments. Visit our most recent Pricing Alignment blog post to see these Fortnite Crew pricing updates.