almost 6 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by capnslapaho

Especially for people that play solo squads/duos, it has a major impact on some gameplay. Downed a player in tilted and naturally his teammate runs down to the bottom of the building to help. I'm in a fight with him, get him low, he's inbetween his downed teammate and myself, and pull out the shotgun. I hit him and see the "eliminated 'X'" and the player I'm fighting takes a couple more steps, so I assume "okay, I got him". I then realize the player I downed had died and his teammate was alive and well to shoot me after I thought the fight was over.

I know this bug has been around for a while now, but is there anything we can do to get them to at least acknowledge or address it?


Thanks a bunch for sending this our way, we're looking into this but could also use your assistance. I've included directions on how you can help us here if you experience this issue.

Also, if you happen to have any videos of this happening, they helped us greatly!