over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by i_noah_guy98

There is a bug I would like to report:

Issue: In Team Rumble, after jumping from the Battle Bus, when the character reaches the normal auto redeploy height, the character will begin to deploy their glider, but then sent immediately back into skydiving mode. This causes players to redeploy lower in the air then originally intended.

Platform: PC, but I imagine it’s on other platforms. (EDIT: As I imagine, it’s on other platforms as well. Thanks everyone!)

If replicable, how: Begin a game of Team Rumble and jump off the Battle Bus.

This bug went into effect when the Gliders Item was introduced, and I personally believe that Glider Redeploy should be reverted in modes like Team Rumble to increase the flow of those matches.

EDIT: I should also mention that this bug is also in Playground and in Creative while playing a game with respawn location set to the sky.

Fixed in v7.30

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by P0iiS0nn

There is an error that u cant join a game when some friends join the party, you have to rechoose the gamemode u wanna play

Fixed in v7.30

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by vuntron

Some Switch issues.

There's a button to reset camera view to horizon, for use with motion controls. When setting this button, it is not possible to have other controls mapped to that key, e.g., when mapped to left-D in combat mode, it will map for build mode as well, and re-mapping swap material/trap to left-D on build mode will remove the binding on combat mode. Try it and see!

During intense combat, analog controls will "stick" after releasing, for fractions of a second. Doesn't always occur, but very noticeable when it happens.

Unsure if Switch-specific, but ghost shots are very frequent, often registering hits client-side, using ammo, displaying hit markers, making noise, and no damage numbers shown.

I meant to post these in the Switch thread the other day but I forgot.

Thanks for all the details! I'll make sure this gets into the hands of our QA team.

As for the ghost hit markers, this is something we're looking into.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by Nicovid

Can you make it so on creative new players joining during a game session joins an unique team instead of team 1 when it's on free for all? It's a pain in the ass trying to host arena games and having to restart constantly. I assume this would be easy to fix and would prevent many headaches

Players who join matches with games in progress will be placed into spectator mode until the end of that game starting in v7.30

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by CarterOls

In creative mode on XBOX, if you build too high, it will drop all of our weapons and traps

This is an issue we're aware of and looking into, thanks!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by 450Rider

If you pick up gliders and then use a rift or launch pad, you glide very slowly forward. You can still dive at normal speed but if you’re trying to glide forward it’s extremely slow.

Platform: PS4 but I’m pretty sure it’s on PC as well.

This is one we're looking into, thanks for the details!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by OldPrinceNewDon

You recently sold White Squall and the effects are broken.


The other glider Cyclone behaves the same way.


And I've heard the fix to Deadfire isn't working from the last patch. I don't own it so I can't showcase how the effects aren't working, but I'm sure someone will post a video.

We're looking into the Deadfire issues but I'll make sure the other information you provided gets into the hands of our QA team.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Odwin

There are only three top issues listed in the Switch section, but there are significantly more in the menu section. The "top" ones listed don't really reflect the ones most highly upvoted in the Reddit Switch bug thread.

The most highly upvoted bug/issue was the frame rate. That should be number one priority for Switch.

Things like frame rates and overall performance are things we are constantly working on optimizing across all platforms.

Here are some Switch optimizations planned for v7.30

  • Switch Optimization (Battle Royale + Creative)

    • Moved to a more efficient memory allocator on Switch; significantly reducing crashes due to out of memory.
    • Reduced hitches on Switch caused by garbage collection.
    • Improved level streaming performance on Switch, speeding up building load times.
    • Increased texture pool size on Switch by 100MB to reduce issues with blurry textures.
    • GPU performance improvements for Switch - improved screen resolution.
    • Doubled the limit for the number of cosmetics that can be displayed on the screen as we now have more free memory.
over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by peter174

Instant building for builder pro isn't instant if you try to build a piece within 0.15 (?) seconds of entering build mode (except walls because they are already selected). The piece won’t build if you enter build mode and press to build then let go quickly, it will only build if you hold the button down. This happens everytime and has been happening since instant building was released.

Here's a clip: https://youtu.be/2C4nIjcDEdY

Also there's no aim assist when aiming through windows. This has been happening since the game was released.

Great information, thanks a bunch!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by luisluix

If the plane gets destroyed and you get caught in a rift you are stuck in the sky

Rift + exploding planes dont work well.

That's definitely not an ideal situation xD

I've sent this off to our QA team, thanks.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by knickers-1

There’s is an issue with the kill log;

I had a team mate who on my screen had 5 kills but on his stream is showed he actually had 3 kills, and in other instances like in team rumble. My friend had no kills at all but on my screen it showed he had 4 kills

it’s been like this since the start of season 7 and haven’t had any fix’s for it yet, maybe you guys have missed it. Idk

Fixed in v7.30

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by CarterOls

Also another bug I encountered in creative mode was after you end a game, sometimes you were unable to jump until you left the match and rejoined

Thanks! I'll get this off to the QA team.