almost 5 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
2s it's time for week five alright let's
17s begin the pun game what you got I don't
19s know I'm really finding it hard I'm
22s trying to slur follow this in slurp it I
26s can't bear the excitement I'm having a
30s ball I'm gonna throw down at you right
44s now
45s that's getting thrown at you all so you
47s can slip on that just slip I'm leaving
52s I'm leaving you know it's a really
56s unique edit right there like that lot
57s yeah he's in the cone to kind of see
60s through and they're also editing the
61s wall so you can see all the way through
63s this drug gun versus tactical shotgun
65s tactical shotgun reign supreme there
68s again guys get involved in the
70s conversation hashtag fortnight World Cup
72s Twitter
75s pay for night bands I'm His Royal
77s Highness sir dr. Reverend mr. to our
79s Finkelstein that there JB MV Esquire and
82s I'm Alex so Alex production let's talk
86s about that okay so production we're
88s basically in charge of everything that
89s you see out of the screen so when we
92s have our beautiful hosts on screen there
93s telling you what's going on we're in
95s charge of that I am the cruise line
97s producer and Joe you are I am the
99s director slash broadcaster enters slash
102s my best friend Paul
104s [Music]
107s if we're watching badness he misses his
109s first shot at gonna be me if Ben wins
113s this game dude I'll get I'll give them
114s five subs bro five sub
116s he's got height as well boop boop could
118s actually do this dr. Lupo what you got
121s in the spray comes up the drop down the
123s shot why get the gifts ready why the
127s gifts ready I quit the excited way
129s points make dr. Lupo the people miss
133s Lobby that's got accountants like
134s community service or the yelled early or
136s something there is no way they just let
138s Lupo win that game that's like a tax
141s write-off I think or something for
142s letting him win that I've got a dollar
144s for someone why why do you guys watch me
147s last week but I can't hit the broad side
149s of a barn and this week we launched Luke
151s won't beat miss Lobby of people at or
154s play with their knees
165s [Music]
166s [Applause]
171s yeah we got you the site that makes the
175s difference there for Rowan and brilliant
177s stuff to end that little bit of DNA West
179s but the actions not done yet we've got
180s our hands of coke casters ready to break
182s down some of what we miss thank you so
186s much again getting hurt in some
189s popsicles we're eating popsicles because
193s it's really hot back here to see
202s [Applause]
204s [Music]
208s [Applause]