over 5 years ago - /u/EpicEricSW - Direct link

Originally posted by RhysWindu

Today I put the bush on, just like I do every other day and looked into the mirror and thought ‘I don’t feel very legendary’.

The game changer: What if the bush gave you protection from one shot!

I don’t know if any of you have ever played pummel party but in that game you could put on a cactus and it would take the damage from one hit to you (so you take no damage). This isn’t too much of a change as the bush would still come off after it took the hit for you.

I would then consider this item LEGENDARY. Bush users could then feel safe when trying to meme.

I really hope epic see this an implement it!


We've been looking at ways to potentially improve the Bush's effectiveness, this is an option that's been discussed a few times. No adjustments in the next update but it's something we'll be reviewing.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicEricSW - Direct link

Originally posted by Orbitball

That’s great, I’m surprised that after 7 seasons there have still been no changes to the most useless item in the game. What are some of the other options that have been discussed though?

There's a number of ways we've discussed improving it... having multiple charges; or being auto-enabled while it's in inventory (like Jetpacks) and can't be shot off. Reducing the leaves that block your view has come up a number of times, since that can be a point of frustration.

What other things could you guys see with it?