almost 6 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by markitaly

If you have had difficulty learning the game mechanics, thank you for not being Italian.

Initially I did not understand why many things did not make sense to me, then by playing in English I understood, our translation is full of inaccuracies and errors, which does not help

This is the second of a series of post to the italian translation i'm writing

Previous Post (already patched):

here is a list of the first things that came to my mind now:

Crit damange /is translated as/ Critical probability (that is the name of the opposite perk) [Danni Critici]

Crtical Rating /is translated as/ Critical level (what is a critical level?) [Valutazione Critica?]

Damage to afflicted targets /is translated as/ Damage to affected targets (but read down)

Causes affliction damage /is translated as/ Causes torment damage

(I do not discuss the term, but at least make it fit so as to make it clear that the two perk are connected to each other, otherwise it is not clear when to use one or the other) [o usate affetti o tormento/tormentati, non si capisce minimamente che le due cose siano lo stesso tipo di effetto]

The Storm Shard item /is translated as/ "Storm Shield Defense" (literally the exact name of the mission or base name)

The Level Up tab in the schematic page /is translated as/ "upper level"

(there are many possible translations for that term, in Italian there is no a literal translation to power up, however the term used does not make it any less clear that that tab collects schematics that can be upgrade, maybe a "upgradable" term translation would be fine) [Potenziabili penso renda meglio]

The Level Up button /is translated as/ "upper level" but is different from the level up tab translation because a different english-italian grammatic

(I would recommend to rename in "Increase Level" in the italian transaltion like the term used in for perk (Increase Perks)) [Incrementa livello]

The Increase Rarity button /is translated as/ "rarity increment" (which is a noun and not a verb) [Incrementa livello rende meglio, più che altro per renderlo coerente con gli altri tasti che vengono descritti con dei verbi]

Prioritize favorites /is translated as/ Organize favorites

(this is not serious, however is true that this button organizes the favorites first but a prioritaze term would be better)

[Prioritizza preferiti aiuta a capire meglio]

In square brackets I expressed a suggestion in Italian

Sorry for my bad english and thanks for the attention

Hey there!

First off, I just wanted to thank you for letting us know about this. Secondly, we will be looking into this report and will correct any inaccuracies that we find in a future update.