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First, the good news: Krampus' coat no longer stretches out far beyond acceptable levels.

Then the bad news: His legs still clip through the coat, as a result of collision detection not being implemented correctly, and his tongue is still always dangling out of his mouth as opposed to coming out when his mouth opens, for example when emoting, like it used to.

Payback's braids float upwards, instead of hanging down across her body. Evidence: My profile pic on Twitter. https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch Also: https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch/status/1310297618908553216?s=20

Harley Quinn's Little Monster style has an issue where her hair droops down over her head instead of being held up at the base of the tails. https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch/status/1310297618908553216?s=20

Loserfruit's ponytail moves across the back and side of her head when not using a backbling, causing it to warp and leave a bald spot at the back of her head.

Evidence: https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch/status/1338796531542003720?s=20

Oro's necklace warps and stretches across his neck and vibrates

The Shirayuki back bling clips into the back of almost every skin now, due to lack of collision detection. https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch/status/1338815791161090049?s=20

the Laugh Riot back bling topples over instead of staying upright when coming out of the box. Evidence: https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch/status/1328606224955432960?s=20

the Go Bag back bling has a knife that looks like it's made of rubber, wobbling around and not looking like a solid metal object

the Neon Backboard back bling has an issue where the ring bends down too much, making it look like it's going to fall off

the Bobo back bling has an issue where its arms are hanging down instead of holding up the cymbals

the Breakfast Bounty back bling has an issue with the top half of the bag moving incorrectly in relation to the bottom half, stretching and warping it. This looks better than it used to, but I think a little tweaking could fix it.

the Floppy back bling has various gravity and collision detection issues, causing its ear to clip through its head and the head to hang down.

the Mourning Glory back bling clips into almost every skin's back when running

the Peel Pack back bling warps and moves in unintended ways, which used to be a lot worse, but hasn't been fully fixed

the Stuffie Smasher pickaxe has an issue where the eyes behave incorrectly and clip through the pickaxe

the Shakez-2-Go back bling has an issue where the straw comes through the side of the cup

the Batnap back bling has gravity issues causing the "wings" to drop down.

Minor issues, mostly related to collision detection:

Legs clipping through parts of skirts, dresses or coats: Calamity, Clutch, Heidi, Fable, Antheia, Patch, Rue, Yellowjacket and Willow

Belts, chains, necklaces, hair or various items clipping into the main body of a skin: Fade's shoulder pads

Harley Quinn's suspenders clip through legs

Siona's suspenders clip through legs

Kondor's suspenders clip through legs

Loserfruit's ponytail

Psylocke's ponytail and waistband

Big Mouth's top of his hood

Giddy-Up's legs

Grimoire's belt, left leg frontside

Skye's camera strap

Victoria Saint's potion flask clips into her hip

Please note, these are just cosmetics I own, I'm sure there's more that I am not able to check.

For any screenshots or video evidence not specifically mentioned here, there's probably some on r/FortniteSwitch, r/FortniteSwitchSkins or r/FortniteMobile.

Also, there's a lot of media on my Twitter page: https://twitter.com/PhysicsSwitch

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about 4 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Huntcaller

u/FreighttrainUSA, it's quite the list again, and these are just cosmetics I own. I left some out as well, like John Wick's second style, where the hair clips through his head, Vix, who's in the shop today, and Rally Raider, both of which have hair hanging in front of their head, and well, I could go on, but I'm leaving it at this for now.

I copied the entire thread and sent this over to QA to check and log any issues they found.

Based on this thread our QA team put in over 30 JIRA tickets. Now some of these might have been repeats based on previously reported issues that are still ongoing, so they may not all be new.

I understand cosmetics are important to you and the rest of the community. I have spoken to my lead, who you may have seen on Reddit as "Gstaff" and we are looking to see where we can improve on in the process of reporting and fixing cosmetic issues.

Due to the nature of cosmetics and how long some of these issues can last, is this an area that a Trello card covering a large amount of cosmetics would be helpful for everyone? We are open to feedback on how we present the issues to the community, let me know what and how we can do better.

about 4 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Huntcaller

Dear u/FreighttrainUSA and u/GstaffEpic

After thinking about this some more, I do feel it would be incredibly helpful to at least have an overview of which physics issues have been reported, and which issues are being worked on. Right now, there's nothing on Trello, even a simple cards stating "Switch physics issues" would go a long way.

I'm finding new issues every day still, and with every new cosmetic released, there's potentially a new bug or some broken item introduced. I already find it difficult to keep track of which issue I have and which issues I haven't reported on, and in addition I usually have a certain routine after each update, where I check the most problematic and obvious bugs to see if a fix was implemented.

As it stands, sometimes I miss stuff that I'd like to report on, or I claim there have been no fixes when in fact things did get fixed, I just haven't noticed them.

For us, as a Switch community, every bit of communication is helpful, and just knowing we're being heard goes a long way in preventing frustration and putting more trust in Epic to fix things that are broken.

Thank you for understanding and communicating with us, hopefully one day we can enjoy every cosmetic the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

I am working with Gstaff to best figure out how to keep players updated on these cosmetic issues. I am also working with our QA to get a list of potential known issue a head of time and look to work those into our future communication around cosmetics. This should limit the amount of time you and others have to spend taking screenshots/videos and reporting the issues to us. We're grateful for the reports from players like yourself, but as you have stated in previous comments, you are not our bug finder and shouldnt feel the need to be that.