As of 12/16/20 There is a new glitch on Switch fortnite exclusively. (Proof below, with more of it coming soon)
When the glitch occurs your Game screen will turn a solid white color and the only way to fix it is to turn off the switch, and turn it back on thus causing a system reset.
ScreenShots of this glitch arent possible seeing as the system is in what i call "Screen lock mode" meaning the screenshot button, and any other button for that matter wont work; since the glitch will disconnect any controler currently linked to the device since Screen lock mode counts as being powerer down which severs the Wireless connection in the process.
That being said i have taken to both youtube and reddit to attempt to figure out if this is just on my end or if its happening to everyone to which 4 people replied. 3 said they had seen the glitch themselfs, and the other one said they havent seen it themselfs but they had heard rumors. I will the supply links to the Reddit post, and the youtube video i made to gather Evidence in the comments below.
The glitch while seemingly random has only ever happened to me Just as the option to jump out of the battle bus appers. Both times it happen the bus was coming from the bottem half of the map. I have yet to confirm if this glitch only happens On the bottem half of the map However i can confirm that it dosnt matter what route the battle bus take since both times the glitch happend the battle bus was coming from a diffrent portion. The first time it happened I the bus was near lazy lake as the option to jump appered and the game crashed, whike the second time it happend was near the Durr burger.
Please share this thread to epic so we can ensure it gets patched soon. Switch fortnite has a history with long lasting exclusive glitches due to the low amount of people playing on said device much less reporting a glitch on the device. The most infamous example was The ZR trigger not working at random times during Ch 2 season 2. Which lasted for a good bit of thw season and even bleed over into the next one, and since i dont want a repeat of that.
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