almost 6 years ago - The Fortnite Team - Direct link



The first Duos team to reach 13 points is the winner. Victory Royales and Eliminations in this competition will be scored to determine placement at the end of the event. The top 20 teams at the end of the Summer Skirmish will be awarded. You can also check the top players here.

Victory Royale: +4 Points
5 or more Eliminations: +2 Points
Most Eliminations (per match): $6500



Current Standings:

  1. Atlantis Mitr0, Atlantis Magin - 14
  2. Main fwexY, Main Pate1k - 12
  3. Twitch_GreyFox, mouz Mops - 10
  4. SUP Refl7ction, SUP h3x - 10
  5. siA NyX, siA swayzeN - 8
  6. FStar HURMA, twitch.BNq1 - 8
  7. Mickalow_, Robi62 - 8
  8. Supremacy Vato, Supremacy Nayu - 8
  9. TwitchCarnifexed, zwetschkE - 6
  10. Solary Kinstaar, Solary mzQQQ - 6
  11. PRIDE Hashtag, PRIDE Tabooo - 6
  12. DP FailRush, Dp Rawl - 4
  13. BXCxWayCats, BXCxTwinkle3YT - 4
  14. Fnatic POW3R, Fnatic_Ettnix - 4
  15. KingRichard215, Svennoss - 4
  16. FT_Fateu, JL Keolys - 4
  17. VGIA XeMarlek, VGIA Khisanth - 2
  18. mouz TheVs, mouz cRaBBLe - 2
  19. Twitch_Harmii, Citydriver - 2
  20. VGIA Tedi, VGIA xIsma - 2
  21. TwitchTinny, Fnatic_Jarl - 2
  22. MckyTV, TWITCH cy0x - 2
  23. Leh., DaaV96 - 2
  24. Twitch.Zaccubus, Twitch KYESAR - 2
  25. x6tence D3stri, x6 Dheylo - 2
  26. keksville, raufgunes - 2
  27. PGM byHelper.TV, PGM nokhi - 2
  28. Chefstrobel, Twitch_Aphostle - 0
  29. GotagaTV, adzTV. - 0
  30. RazZzero0oTwitch, Twitch beehive - 0
  31. KINGUIN Hycel, KINGUIN dialer - 0
  32. LOLiTOFDEZ, twitchBLADECITO - 0
  33. AGO Buhuu, AGO Skosas - 0
  34. batubozkan, Platenistaken - 0
  35. DRA Tolezito , PablochosEZ - 0
  36. Solary Hunter, Lunary airwaks - 0
  37. GAL Yukes, GAL Cimbek - 0
  38. GabbieTV, Method Fixter - 0
  39. zaitr0s, Twitch_bogdanakh - 0
  40. GameMeneer, Roedie - 0
  41. Swaanny, SenseiJirenTTV - 0
  42. Bong3h, jackfrags - 0
  43. LinK SaGeK1ng, LinK Termitis - 0
  44. ARMY Djiin, ARMY Threebet - 0
  45. RB Script, RB Kraeus - 0
  46. novahh, RageeQuit1 - 0
  47. Horican, d1rbY - 0
  48. SSG Paradox, MVP Krith - 0
  49. KendineMuzisyen, Jrokez - 0