Here is the issue I am having, and it has been since controller support was added.
I play on Controller, on Android (Note9)
My voice chat rarely works (prior to voice chat breaking, and after the fixes) And the issue has 3 parts to it
1) Bluetooth Headset + Bluetooth controller is hit or miss, it works flawlessly about 5%, and terribly 95% I don't know whether to call that a hardware issue, or an issue with FN, but the sound will either be garbled, or the controller will cut out, its not playable in that situation (when its not working flawlessly) so I turn off the headset, and plug in a wired headset.
2) Wired headset + Controller, mic will only work about 50% of the time, it seems to have more problems if you have PS4 players in your party, when I play with my friend who is on PS4, we usually cant use voice, however when I play with my son on PC, it works 90% of the time
3) Separate bug, but some good info for trying to fix the issue, is when I cue up in cross party (Specifically PC) I get my touch HUD overlay, even though I am on controller, when this happens my mic will work 100% of the time, in fact the other night I queued up with my PS4 friend, got the touch HUD and mic worked perfectly, it shows that I am on mobile in squads, and not "console" when this happens, not that I care, but my random fills, do care, and hate that they are playing with a phone player, even though we all die off spawn anyways :D
I am going to try to force the mobile touch HUD when I que up games (cross platform only since I don't need a mic in solo) and then swap to controller and see if this fixes the issue entirely, but I wont get a chance to play it until later tonight.
I am curious if anyone else is getting this issue with the touch HUD (I know voice chat is a mess) and is it OK if I delete all my HUD? I cant see as much when the HUD is taking up the screen, plus I don't get the control layout in game, when I am in a vehicle/interact situation, so you need to have the buttons memorized, which I mostly do.
Any issues with deleting the HUD that anyone knows about? Any way to Force the touch HUD and still use the controller, I know some people have been doing this to get into Switch/Mobile lobbies, but I play PC/PS4 cross, so I am not participating in that, but for those that do, when you queue mobile, and switch to controller, do you see your HUD? I am trying to force it so I get voice chat, hope that makes sense.
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