almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by classicwise

Are you guys aware of Playground and Creative infinite loading screens?

That's what we were hoping to fix, but first attempt was unsuccessful (to say the least).

We think we've tracked down the source of the issue and are hoping to get a proper fix out in the near future!

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Goody_Boy

I thought u dudes were on holiday break?

Still trying to fix what we can and keep things running smoothly. We're not doing active development work, but that doesn't mean we'll close up shop if there are significant issues that need to be fixed.

We're doing our best!

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by Pixel29

What about the connection timeout I receive every 30 seconds? Is that on my end or yours?

Can you get me some more info to work with? How long as it been happening, is it still happening, what ISP do you have, connection type (wired/wireless), whether you're seeing any upload or download packet loss, platform, account name, etc.?

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by Pixel29

Started today, I moved back to my hometown for Christmas break. I've played 2 games today, and pretty much every 30 seconds I get connection timeout for 10 seconds then proceeds as normal until the next 30 seconds. I have Windstream, with a wired connection directly to the router. My ping is a solid 20-40 range. I do receive packet loss when the connection timeout happens, but not every time. I'm on the NA-East Server, on PS4. My account name is KJDuece8. My epic name is: Twitch-KJDuece8. Thanks you, JShredz, for caring.

If it started today, can you try again now? It sounds like it might have been the server issue that started this post, which should be resolved now.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by CosmicRhinoceros-PS4

Is today's fix also aimed at resolving the 300-1000 ping lag spikes happening multiple times in every match since the fortnitemares patch? I'm on wired fiber, nothing about my setup has changed and I average 20 ping. But ever since fortnitemares, I get server lag spikes and connection timeout every single game. Ps4, but this bug is reported on all platforms widely.

Account name and ISP? Is it random or does it appear to be triggered by anything? Any packet loss, and if so upload or download?

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by CosmicRhinoceros-PS4

CosmicRhinoceros, century link fiber, NA West. It seems entirely random. It will happen a few times each match at random times, sometimes in the middle of fighting someone, other times while just walking around looting. For a few seconds it spikes to 300+ then drops back to 20 after stuttering. The only thing I noticed as a pattern is that it happened with higher frequency during teams of 33s. But it still occurs almost every game across other game modes.

I've been reporting this using the in game feedback function a lot, not sure if that helps. I haven't noticed packet loss.

The same thing happens at my friends house across town, both ps4 at his and my place.

The in-game feedback is actually invaluable since it uploads your client logs. With your account name I can have the team search for your logs and we can take a look.

No promises I'll be able to report back directly, but definitely going to check into this to see if there's anything systemic going wrong!

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by Pixel29

Sorry for being late, I eventually tried again and the issue seems to be resolved. Thanks JShredz

Glad to hear it!