over 5 years ago - /u/zakbeaudio - Direct link

Hello all,

Release 9.2 is coming up, and we have, well, uh, a single audio update for you this time around. :) Rest assured, we are working away on many new audio toys for you as outlined below. Keep pinging the threads with audio feedback, we really do read and appreciate your comments. Here’s the giant overview of the improvements in release 9.2:

**** Quick update bulletin, thanks for the reports of audio seeming muffled/quieter, there was indeed a bug in the audio system's filter. There will be a fix for this in the 9.21 release.

Release 9.2 Audio fixes and updates:

  • Updated reload sounds for weapons to be mono instead of stereo. This will help with spatialization improvements for weapon swap sounds.

What we’re continuing to work on in the upcoming season:

  • Fix for PC audio device swap issues - audio should no longer drop when hot-swapping audio devices. Should be in for release 9.3.
  • Better hear the approach of enemy players outside player-built structures.
    • How are folks liking the new enemy pickaxe impact on 1x1 sounds? (KNOCK KNOCK!)
  • Improvements to issues of sounds dropping outside of player FOV.
  • Improvement of close versus distant player gliding sounds, to help clarify distance of gliding enemies.
  • Improvement of incoming grenade and grenade bounce sound spatialization… yep, it’s hard to get a fix on ‘em and they’re deadly.
  • Longer sounds properly playing during Replays.
  • Improved differentiation of teammate versus enemy audio. In honor of your squadmate who keeps running in circles ‘nading for no reason.
  • Internal testing of binaural/HRTF solution that will be a great help to headphone players, as well as other spatialization improvements. This is a big and lengthy task, but initial tests of this are amazing sounding.

As a reminder, shoot us your issues in the below format:

  • replay URL
  • time code of issue
  • display name of player followed via gameplay view
  • description of issue


Zak Belica, Director of Audio Production

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/JustMooney1 - Direct link

Originally posted by fattymcribwich

Whatever you guys did it feels like im wearing earmuffs underwater trying to hear audio now.


Dug into this and the issue was due to a filter optimization in this update. We'll have a fix for this in 9.30!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Update: Thanks for the reports of audio sounding muffled! This is indeed a bug in the audio system's filter.

We'll have a fix included in the v9.21 release.