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It has been 4+ months since the last post on this so please DO NOT REMOVE, THIS NEEDS ATTENTION.

As the title suggests, the need to be able to select a piece without placing it to pre edit it is really no longer needed.

I can understand for rotating the piece sure but if all I had to do was place 1 piece down before I could rotate it. I would take that over this 2 click ( or click and hold WITH delay) sh*t ALL day. Kinda frustrating I have to slow down my gameplay because the game can't keep up with what I want to do.

So many times I have needed to pull out and place a floor above me quickly while being pressured, but since it has a delay it makes it useless trying to heal in between an enemy shooting out floors/pyramid's trying to get in.

Add a toggle so that the people who like the current system can keep as is. But allow those of us using controller, a way to push above the current building speed, and get that skill gap ceiling pushed just that touch higher. The delay makes it feel super clunky.

There's many videos of people explaining exactly what I'm talking about and what's wrong with it on youtube, that have a few 100k views if you need a visual of what I'm talking about.

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/AaronAtEpic - Direct link

We totally agree. We're going to change this to switch to the intended piece but also try to place it at the same time. If there is outcry from other users then we'll have to temporarily turn it off and create an option for it but we're hoping that won't be necessary.

This change will be in a patch after 5.41.