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First off, just wanna start by saying this is definitely the best LTM they have ever released. Ive seen mixed reviews about this mode, some saying the Thanos team is OP, and others saying the Heroes team is OP. They are both balanced enough that i win the same amount i lose. All of the hero weapons feel balanced, and if you listen to the whiners and nerf them, it will ruin the mode. I remember the 2018 avengers mode, Thanos got nerfed and it took a lot of the fun out of the mode. It was still fun AF but not as fun. Thanos and the Chitauri are SUPPOSED to be strong. The avengers weapons are SUPPOSED to be strong. Epic, dont listen. Yo and marvel created something incredible, so dont ruin it. This mode is perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Thanks :)

Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger :)

Edit 2: thanks for the silver AND gold kind strangers ;)

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over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Thanks for the input.

FYI, we are preparing a hotfix to buff Thor and nerf Iron Man & the Chitauri. The bad guy team is winning too often, Thor is underperforming by a bunch & Iron Man is a liiiiitle too easy to fly around and get free kills with. We should be pushing this fix pretty soon.

Mostly we are happy with the Day 1 performance, so I don't anticipate any major changes to the mode.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by PlantPowerPhysicist

I guess they'll have pretty good statistics soon about how far from 50/50 the win rate is. They should probably listen to that even more than random people shouting on Twitter.

Yeah, last I checked Team Thanos was winning about 60% of matches, which is a little higher rate than what we want. Thus the latest hotfix.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by jackthemango

Thanks dustydevo

No prob

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by randomguy301048

it's sad because they won't look at the data after this day 1 "hotfix" either. since once the collect stone challenge is done the villians won't ever win

Actually, we monitor LTM data on a daily basis.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by GoCommitSuicide

can you make the stones spawn faster it takes so long and half the time we are just waiting on the stones spawning in.

The first couple stones spawn intentionally slowly to give the hero team a bit of time to find some items.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by Snarvix

Hey DustyDevo!! This is an amazing LTM!! But I found a little bug when you are in thanos team u can’t collect battle stars and puzzle pieces for your weekly challenges.

I think that this bug is because you can not search chests while in thanos team.

Can you guys please look into this? :)

Team Thanos can't interact with in-world objects in order to stop them from grabbing Avengers items.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by TakenMemory

I was honestly hoping that whoever grabbed the stone for Thanos would get a sort of special ability based on the stone that was grabbed.

Thought about doing that, ran out of time. Also thought it might create some negative behaviors / disappoint people who barely missed getting it, etc. Good idea though.

over 5 years ago - /u/EpicDustyDevo - Direct link

Originally posted by dagerdev

But you can destroy chests

Think of destroying chests as the Chitauri "loot phase"