about 7 years ago - The Fortnite Team - Direct link
Hey Fortnite friends, 

This weekend it’s Fortnite Battle Royale meets Anaheim at PlayStation Experience 2017! We’ll be set up at Booth #A260 where four featured streamers will squad up with YOU, the community, to achieve Victory Royale. Eng_SocialOutlookScreen.jpg Throughout the day, we will be randomly choosing players from the crowd to take the stage and battle for Fortnite swag and prizes! If you can’t make it to PSX 2017, you can tune into our livestream at twitch.tv/fortnitegame, where we will be broadcasting the entirety of the event.  

Follow PSX on Social

We’ll be giving out swag to those who attend in person as well as some lucky folks who are following the official Fortnite stream and social channels: PlayStation Featured Guests Shoutcasters

Where and When?

  • Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92802
  • Booth #A260
Saturday, December 9
  • 10:00 AM: Day 1 Play Session Begins
  • 10:00 PM: Day 1 Play Session Ends
Sunday, December 10
  • 10:00 AM: Day 1 Play Session Begins
  • 6:00 PM: Day 2 Play Session Ends

Get ready to jump! #PSX 2017 kicks off in just a few days!